PSYLLIUM HUSK WHOLE - 350g (12.34 oz.)
Experience the power of Psyllium Husk with Ancient Purity's premium Detox support. Sustainably harvested from Plantago Ovata seeds, Psyllium Husk is a natural source of both soluble and insoluble fibre, promoting gastrointestinal health, regularity, and immune system support. This ancient remedy can truly help with weight-loss, providing a feeling of fullness to curb cravings. Simply take a small glass a couple of times a day and let the Psyllium Husk work its magic as it transforms into a gel-like substance to support waste removal from the intestines. 

Ensure you're getting enough fibre in your diet with Psyllium Husk, which can relieve symptoms of constipation and promote a healthy bowel transit. Popular in Keto diets, Psyllium Husk offers a solution for maintaining fibre intake without the unwanted effects of carbohydrates. With 71g of soluble fibre in just 100g, Psyllium Husk outshines other sources like oat bran. Plus, its natural prebiotic properties support the growth of good gut bacteria, particularly the Bifidobacteria Genus. Backed by extensive research and traditional use, Psyllium Husk is a safe and effective way to maintain optimal digestive health. Try it today and experience the benefits for yourself!

Suggested Use
Take one tablespoon (5 grams) in filtered water or juice 1 - 3 times daily or take Ancient Purity Psyllium Husk as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Take with 250ml of filtered water with each dose and plenty of liquids during the course. Always take at least 30 minutes before a meal. 

WARNING: Do not take without filtered water, always aim to consume a 250ml Psyllium Husk glass of liquid with every heaped teaspoon. Please consult your doctor before taking if you have recently had intestinal surgery or you have an intestinal obstruction. Ancient Purity Psyllium Husk should be taken with at least a full glass of liquid. Eating this product without enough liquid may cause choking. Do not take this product if you have difficulty swallowing. 

Taking with Bentonite Clay
Can be taken with Ancient Purity Bentonite Clay to help pull out toxins, particularly heavy metals. It acts like a sponge to bind and eliminate non-nutritive and harmful substances from the colon. It can absorb 180 times or more its own weight of these toxins. Bentonite is natural earthen clay that is highly absorbent. It is not assimilated by the body but acts to absorb and bind to toxins in the intestinal tract, and then pass on out with the faeces. Bentonite clay is available in both dry and liquid form, and either form will work for colon cleansing. Add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of Ancient Purity Bentonite Clay Powder to the Glass and stir well, consume immediately and drink another glass of clean water next.  Be sure to drink plenty of pure water throughout the day.

Q: Should I take this every day, or less often?
A: Take one serving up to 2 times per day. As always, it is important to listen to your body to assess how it is reacting to your frequency. You might want to start with one serving per day and then progress to two, if one doesn't seem to be doing the job for you. 

Q: Can I mix this in other liquids besides water?
A: Yes, but the liquid should be water-based. We do not recommend high-sugar beverages or artificially sweetened beverages. 

Q: If I have problems swallowing, how can I be sure I don't choke on it?
A: Mix it with plenty of water (add more water if necessary), and swirl it between swallows to avoid it settling to the bottom and becoming challenging to drink at the end.

 NOTE: The soluble fibre present in Ancient Purity Psyllium Husks can aid lower cholesterol levels. Psyllium Husk can help alleviate both constipation and diarrhoea, and is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, haemorrhoids, and other intestinal problems. Psyllium Husk has also been used to aid regulate blood sugar levels in persons with diabetes.

Healthy Weight, Detox & Support Regularity - Order Psyllium Husk Today!