Unleash Your Wolf 2170mg
Natural Libido Booster
Better Your Sex Life
Mood Support
Increase Blood Flow

-Made In USA-

(2 Bottles, 120 Capsules)


Maca, a root that belongs to the radish family, is most commonly available in powder form. Grown in the mountains of Peru, it has been called “Peruvian ginseng.” Maca’s benefits have been long valued, and has recently been popularized as a supplement and food ingredient. Maca is rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids. Maca is widely used to promote sexual function of both men and women. It serves as a boost to your libido and increases endurance. Early Spanish explorers in South America noted that Maca worked both to increase energy levels and enhance fertility. Maca has maintained this reputation for boosting energy ever since. An interesting quality to note, as compared with tea and coffee, Maca does not stress the adrenals. The energy boost felt from Maca is both sustained and even. Studies show that Maca improves stamina in distance racing, increases sexual desire, and helps to build muscle. It is utilized by professional and high level amateur athletes for these qualities. They rave about how Maca supports their optimal performance.


Zinc became a household word as an ingredient in cold lozenges during the 1990s (or you may remember those sun screens from the 1980s that would turn noses white), but physicians and nutritionists have always known it's a mineral that's necessary for good health. Zinc earns its stripes by promoting immune function, supporting healthy cell growth and development, and ensuring a proper sense of taste and smell. It's especially important for men because of its role in maintaining prostate health, testosterone levels and overall sexual health. Zinc is an essential trace element that only recently came to light as important for human nutrition and is active in many processes within our bodies. With zinc playing a role in so many of our metabolic processes, it’s easy for one to see how important it is that we get enough zinc daily. But, how do we know how much we need? And, how do we go about getting enough? Start with a well-rounded diet to get enough zinc to support your body’s normal function and, in turn, a healthy immune system.


Eurycoma (Tongkat Ali, LongJack) is a pro-fertility agent and aphrodisiac that appears to have a large body of evidence supporting this role and some evidence suggesting it may be an anti-estrogen. Lack of evidence for testosterone boosting. The aphrodisiac effects of Eurycoma are quite reliable and appear to span a large variety of animal models, limited evidence in female but it appears to affect these to a similar extend as in males. It is difficult to do a comparative analysis between other herbal aphrodisiac to assess potency, but Eurycoma is anecdotally one of the better ones. Tongkat ali benefits include its use for building muscle and reducing body fat. This supplement is thought to increase the body’s testosterone levels, raise the metabolic rate and improve blood circulation and energy levels. Tongkat ali is sourced from the root and bark of the shrub Eurycoma longifolia, which is native to Southeast Asia.


Asian Ginseng is one of the most highly regarded of herbal medicines in the Orient, where it has gained an almost magical reputation for being able to promote body health. Asian Ginseng has a history of herbal use going back over 5,000 years. It is one of the most highly regarded of herbal medicines in the Orient, where it has gained an almost magical reputation for being able to promote health, general body vigour and also to prolong life. The genus name Panax is derived from the Greek word meaning "panacea" or "all-healing"; the species ginseng is said to mean "wonder of the world". Both terms refer to the medicinal virtues of the plant. In the last decade it has gained popularity in the West and there is extensive literature on the beneficial effects of ginseng and its constituents. Ginseng contains anti-ageing substances such as anti-oxidants. In western herbal medicine, Panax ginseng's regulating effects on the immune system have been studied for potential effectiveness in preventing cold and flu. Recent reports of ginseng indicate a wide range of effects, including influence on the central nervous system, endocrine and adrenocortical systems, internal, organs, metabolism, blood pressure and sugar, gonadotropic activity, cellular ageing, tumours, and stress. Ginseng appears to relieve stress, increase sexual activity.


Arginine has gotten lots of attention lately for its potential heart benefits. As a natural dietary supplement, arginine has garnered particular attention for its possible heart benefits. Arginine, also known as L-arginine, is involved in a number of different functions in the body. They include:

  • Wound healing
  • Helping the kidneys remove waste products from the body
  • Maintaining immune function
  • Dilates and relaxes the arteries 

L-Arginine, the Prosexual Nutrient with Numerous Health Benefits. L-Arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide (NO) in the human body. In the 1990s, scientists discovered that not only is NO an essential compound that helps blood circulation, but it is important to normal sexual function in both men and women. Higher blood flow makes clitoral and vaginal tissues more sensitive and responsive to sexual stimulation and helps increase the possibility of reaching orgasm. Although there haven't been nearly as many studies done on arginine supplementation in women as in men, one study found that postmenopausal women who took a supplement including L-Arginine experienced heightened sexual response.

Supplement Facts:

Zinc - 5mg
Tongkat Ali(Powder) - 500mg
Maca(0.6% Extract) - 250mg
L-Arginine - 500mg
Ginseng Blend(Korean/Siberian) - 125mg
Proprietary Blend - 745mg

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure, treat, or prevent and disease.