Verbascum Homeopathic Ear Drops

For Adults and Children

100% Natural Cold Pressed Almond Oil, blended with homeopathic tincture of Verbascum (Mullein Oil)

Renowned for the loosening of troublesome ear wax.

Soothing, Calming and Relieves itchy ears.

15ml dropper bottle


  • THESE DO WORK :0) Great seller...Excellent drops. Thank you!

  • Worked brilliantly. Ear was clear within five days and has stayed clear ever since. Highly recommend this product.
  • Helps with the itching ears. Many thanks.

  • Your aim to offer an excellent service has passed with flying colours, well done! I ordered the drops on a Thursday and they came the following day. Thank you so much. A thousand times better then the NHS. All thanks to my daughter who lives for homeopathy and has now converted me!

Earache due to otitis media, painful eruption of external ear, fungal infections of ear, itching & irritation in ear, swimmer’s ear

Earache is a common complaint in children as they are more prone to ear infections than adults but it may occur at any age. The cause of earache can be frequent colds and tonsillitis which often lead to ear infections.

My Mullein (verbascum) ear drops, is a combination of homoeopathic medicines for the treatment of earache. The main ingredient is the extract of mullein flower in a sweet Almond Oil base. Its main sphere of action is on the ear for the dryness and scaly condition of the meatus and earache. 

Contra indications: 
No known contraindications


Apply 1 to 2 drops daily for two to three days to ease itching and inflammation. Mullein oil will loosen hardened wax which may be eased away with cotton buds or medical ear cleanse.

Case Histories:

Young boy of 10 years old suffering from persistent itchy ears found the drops soothed persistent ear wax.  On visiting a GP, his ears were cleared in the normal way.

Elderly Gentleman with history of ear irritation found the Verbascum ear drops very helpful in clearing hardened ear wax.

This product can also be used to soften hardened ear wax prior to visiting your GP.

 endeavour to offer an excellent first class service.

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