Some people believe that tying red strings around your left wrist will ward off bad luck. Others believe that a single woman should wear the string until it falls off naturally, at which point she will meet the person she will end up marrying. Still others connect the string to increased fertility. Red string bracelets are generally worn on the left hand because this side is the closest to your heart! 
If you believe, it could work. If you don't believe, it will be just perfect detail for adding a chic, colourful touch to your wardrobe this season.

  • Bracelet length: 7"
  • Material: Tibetan Silver, 0.8 mm shamballa thread (nylon)
  • Style: Ethnic, Regional & Tribal 
  • Not adjustable

The Chinese zodiac is called Shēngxiào (生肖) in Mandarin. Identifying this scheme using the generic term "zodiac" reflects several superficial similarities to the Western zodiac: both have time cycles divided into 12 parts, each labels at least the majority of those parts with names of animals, and each is widely associated with a culture of ascribing a person's personality or events in his or her life to the supposed influence of the person's particular relationship to the cycle.

Nevertheless, there are major differences between the two: the animals of the Chinese zodiac are not associated with constellations spanned by the ecliptic plane. The Chinese 12-part cycle corresponds to years, rather than months.The Chinese zodiac is represented by 12 animals, whereas some of the signs in the Westernzodiac are not animals, despite the implication of the etymology of the word zodiac.

Within the Four Pillars, the year is the pillar representing information about the person's family background and society or relationship with their grandparents. The person's age can also be easily deduced from the sign of the person, the current sign of the year and the person's perceived age (teens, mid 20s, 40s and so on). For example, a person who is a Tiger is either 12, 24, 36 or 48 years old in 2010, the year of the Tiger. In 2011, the year of the Rabbit, that person is one year older.

The following table shows the 60-year cycle matched up to the Gregorian calendar for the years 1924–2043 (see sexagenary cycle article for years 1804–2043). The sexagenary cycle begins at lichun about February 4 according to some astrological sources.

1Feb 05 1924–Jan 23 1925Yang WoodRatFeb 02 1984–Feb 19 1985
2Jan 24 1925–Feb 12 1926Yin WoodOxFeb 20 1985–Feb 08 1986
3Feb 13 1926–Feb 01 1927Yang FireTigerFeb 09 1986–Jan 28 1987
4Feb 02 1927–Jan 22 1928Yin FireRabbitJan 29 1987–Feb 16 1988
5Jan 23 1928–Feb 09 1929Yang EarthDragonFeb 17 1988–Feb 05 1989
6Feb 10 1929–Jan 29 1930Yin EarthSnakeFeb 06 1989–Jan 26 1990
7Jan 30 1930–Feb 16 1931Yang MetalHorseJan 27 1990–Feb 14 1991
8Feb 17 1931–Feb 05 1932Yin MetalGoatFeb 15 1991–Feb 03 1992
9Feb 06 1932–Jan 25 1933Yang WaterMonkeyFeb 04 1992–Jan 22 1993
10Jan 26 1933–Feb 13 1934Yin WaterRoosterJan 23 1993– Feb 09 1994
11Feb 14 1934–Feb 03 1935Yang WoodDogFeb 10 1994–Jan 30 1995
12Feb 04 1935–Jan 23 1936Yin WoodPigJan 31 1995–Feb 18 1996
13Jan 24 1936–Feb 10 1937Yang FireRatFeb 19 1996–Feb 06 1997
14Feb 11 1937–Jan 30 1938Yin FireOxFeb 07 1997–Jan 27 1998
15Jan 31 1938–Feb 18 1939Yang EarthTigerJan 28 1998–Feb 15 1999
16Feb 19 1939–Feb 07 1940Yin EarthRabbitFeb 16 1999–Feb 04 2000
17Feb 08 1940–Jan 26 1941Yang MetalDragonFeb 05 2000–Jan 23 2001
18Jan 27 1941–Feb 14 1942Yin MetalSnakeJan 24 2001–Feb 11 2002
19Feb 15 1942–Feb 04 1943Yang WaterHorseFeb 12 2002–Jan 31 2003
20Feb 05 1943–Jan 24 1944Yin WaterGoatFeb 01 2003–Jan 21 2004
21Jan 25 1944–Feb 12 1945Yang WoodMonkeyJan 22 2004–Feb 08 2005
22Feb 13 1945–Feb 01 1946Yin WoodRoosterFeb 09 2005–Jan 28 2006
23Feb 02 1946–Jan 21 1947Yang FireDogJan 29 2006–Feb 17 2007
24Jan 22 1947–Feb 09 1948Yin FirePigFeb 18 2007–Feb 06 2008
25Feb 10 1948–Jan 28 1949Yang EarthRatFeb 07 2008–Jan 25 2009
26Jan 29 1949–Feb 16 1950Yin EarthOxJan 26 2009–Feb 13 2010
27Feb 17 1950–Feb 05 1951Yang MetalTigerFeb 14 2010–Feb 02 2011
28Feb 06 1951–Jan 26 1952Yin MetalRabbitFeb 03 2011–Jan 22 2012
29Jan 27 1952–Feb 13 1953Yang WaterDragonJan 23 2012–Feb 09 2013
30Feb 14 1953–Feb 02 1954Yin WaterSnakeFeb 10 2013–Jan 30 2014
31Feb 03 1954–Jan 23 1955Yang WoodHorseJan 31 2014–Feb 18 2015
32Jan 24 1955–Feb 11 1956Yin WoodGoatFeb 19 2015–Feb 07 2016
33Feb 12 1956–Jan 30 1957Yang FireMonkeyFeb 08 2016–Jan 27 2017
34Jan 31 1957–Feb 17 1958Yin FireRoosterJan 28 2017–Feb 15 2018
35Feb 18 1958–Feb 07 1959Yang EarthDogFeb 16 2018–Feb 04 2019
36Feb 08 1959–Jan 27 1960Yin EarthPigFeb 05 2019–Jan 24 2020
37Jan 28 1960–Feb 14 1961Yang MetalRatJan 25 2020–Feb. 11 2021
38Feb 15 1961–Feb 04 1962Yin MetalOxFeb 12 2021–Jan 31 2022
39Feb 05 1962–Jan 24 1963Yang WaterTigerFeb 01 2022–Jan 21 2023
40Jan 25 1963–Feb 12 1964Yin WaterRabbitJan 22 2023–Feb 09 2024
41Feb 13 1964–Feb 01 1965Yang WoodDragonFeb 10 2024–Jan 28 2025
42Feb 02 1965–Jan 20 1966Yin WoodSnakeJan 29 2025–Feb 16 2026
43Jan 21 1966–Feb 08 1967Yang FireHorseFeb 17 2026–Feb 05 2027
44Feb 09 1967–Jan 29 1968Yin FireGoatFeb 06 2027–Jan 25 2028
45Jan 30 1968–Feb 16 1969Yang EarthMonkeyJan 26 2028–Feb 12 2029
46Feb 17 1969–Feb 05 1970Yin EarthRoosterFeb 13 2029–Feb 02 2030
47Feb 06 1970–Jan 26 1971Yang MetalDogFeb 03 2030–Jan 22 2031
48Jan 27 1971–Feb 14 1972Yin MetalPigJan 23 2031–Feb 10 2032
49Feb 15 1972–Feb 02 1973Yang WaterRatFeb 11 2032–Jan 30 2033
50Feb 03 1973–Jan 22 1974Yin WaterOxJan 31 2033–Feb 18 2034
51Jan 23 1974–Feb 10 1975Yang WoodTigerFeb 19 2034–Feb 07 2035
52Feb 11 1975–Jan 30 1976Yin WoodRabbitFeb 08 2035–Jan 27 2036
53Jan 31 1976–Feb 17 1977Yang FireDragonJan 28 2036–Feb 14 2037
54Feb 18 1977–Feb 06 1978Yin FireSnakeFeb 15 2037–Feb 03 2038
55Feb 07 1978–Jan 27 1979Yang EarthHorseFeb 04 2038–Jan 23 2039
56Jan 28 1979–Feb 15 1980Yin EarthGoatJan 24 2039–Feb 11 2040
57Feb 16 1980–Feb 04 1981Yang MetalMonkeyFeb 12 2040–Jan 31 2041
58Feb 05 1981–Jan 24 1982Yin MetalRoosterFeb 01 2041–Jan 21 2042
59Jan 25 1982–Feb 12 1983Yang WaterDogJan 22 2042–Feb 09 2043
60Feb 13 1983–Feb 01 1984Yin WaterPigFeb 10 2043–Jan 29 2044