CACAO POWDER 400g (14.11 oz.) 
Organic | Criollo Peruvian Cacao
Indulge in the pure, ancient power of Cacao with Ancient Purity's premium Cacao Powder. Sourced ethically from small farmer cooperatives in Peru, this Criollo variety of Cacao is revered as the "King of Cacao" for its high quality beans and rich flavours. Unlike processed dark chocolate, our Cacao Powder retains its antioxidants, resveratrol, and polyphenols, offering a full body nourishing super-food experience. Packed with essential nutrients like copper, zinc, magnesium, and chromium, this Cacao Powder benefits every function of your body and promotes longevity.

Experience the clean and super effective Criollo Cacao for everyday use, ideal for adding to smoothies, baked goods, or hot beverages. For a more ceremonial experience, reserve our Cacao Powder for special occasions for an extra boost of natural goodness. Treat yourself to the pure indulgence of Ancient Purity's Cacao Powder and feel good knowing you're supporting ethical sourcing practices and preserving the ancient tradition of fine chocolate production.

Suggested Use
Cacao can be consumed liberally, thrown into a smoothie or even in porridge. With Cacao the bigger the person’s body the more they can consume, so if a child less, for a bodybuilder more. The best way to enjoy Cacao is to use it to make you own healthy chocolate brownies or chocolate smoothies we will soon have a recipe section otherwise, you can find many great combinations and techniques in super-food books and on good websites.

Sprinkle on top of peanut butter on toast.
Add to plain or vanilla Greek yogurt.
Dust brownie and cake baking pans to prevent sticking.
Add to a pot of chilli for a deeper flavour.
Use as an oatmeal mix-in.

Real chocolate and our Raw Cacao can be fatal to dogs (and possibly horses and parrots) so be sure to keep it away from pets.

Organic Criollo Cacao Powder

Q: How can chocolate be good for me?
A: Chocolate is perceived to be bad for health is because of all the refined sugar, hydrogenated vegetable fats and additives that are used to make milk chocolate. These man-made ingredients are the key causes of obesity and heart disease. Our recipe is free from refined sugar, dairy, hydrogenated fats and additives, because we respect your health.

Q: How is this Cacao prepared?
A: Our Cacao is traditionally prepared the way it has been for thousands of years. The fruit, which looks like a nerved football, is harvested from the under-story of the rain forest. It is then placed in the ground, lined with banana leaves, where it is left to ferment for 3-5 days. This essential step in the process is what alkalises the beans and activates the beneficial compounds within. This enzymatic transformation continues as the beans are sun-dried. From there, they are lightly roasted over an open fire which finishes the flavour, kills the bacteria that accumulate during fermentation and allows the husk to be peeled away. Once the husk is removed, we have the whole, pure Cacao Beans we sell. 

Q: What’s the difference between your Cacao and other good Cacao or chocolate?
A: There is a significant difference between commercially available Cacao (and the chocolate made from it) and what we sell and use at Ancient Purity. This has to do with the differences in variety, selection and processing which affect the amount of beneficial compounds in Cacao. We offer the Peruvian Criollo variety, a wild/native strain of Cacao that is ceremonially-selected. The Criollo variety contains significantly more of the compounds that are necessary to get the health benefits and consciousness altering effects. Most of the studies about the health benefits of Cacao use the Criollo variety. Most companies that sell Cacao or chocolate are using the larger seeded, more easily processed, hybridised varieties. So while the buzz about chocolate being good for your health is right on, many companies aren’t using the varieties and processing methods that ensure the high amount of beneficial compounds chocolate is known for. Just because it says organic, fair-trade or ‘85% Cacao’ has nothing to do with how much and what proportion of beneficial compounds are present. Not all chocolates are made equal!

Experience Incredible Criollo Raw Cacao - Order Today