Shaolin Kempo Karate Forms 1 Kata - GM Jim Brassard - YouTube

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Attention Shaolin Kempo Karate Practitioners who want to improve your Kata 

Apply These Secret Techniques To Improve 1 Kata So It Will Stand Up Under Pressure In Combat, And Give You The Knowledge & Skill Of A Master!!
"Even after many years, Kata practice is NEVER finished, for there is always something new to learn about executing a movment."
- Shōshin Nagamine

Fellow Martial Artist,

In my Private Monthly training club I have shown the major points as well as the problems that are taught in 1 Kata, and have combined them into a 2 DVD course.

AND YES.....there are several parts of this form that are not taught efficiently. In fact, if executed in combat it would be your demise.

Lets face it, have you ever ask yourself, what the hell is this move used for???? Is it for fighting, or training???

There is a BIG difference. If for fighting, you should be able to do part of it, at least, in sparring OR combat.

Well, that's what I will show you in this course using principles and strategies....

"As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are FEW. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods" - 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

To do this, I break the Kata into several learning stages....just like the way you are taught in the dojo.

Here are 14 Effective Principles & Strategies you will learn in this course...

- How the beginning of the form denotes it's origin.

- What 20% of the form will give you 80% of your skill???

How & Where Marriage of Gravity helps in attaining more power in your punch. This in part is why Bruce lee had the same punching power as Muhammad Ali. (Note: Ali weighted over 100 pounds more than Lee)

- How you can use the upper body to add power to your kick.

- The part of the form that can be isolated, and done as a drill up and down the dojo floor for increased power in BOTH kicks and punches.

- One major difference between Pinons and Katas.

A drill to show you the proper way to handle an attack from the rear. This is taught wrong in this Kata and I'll show you why.

How you "Turn & Defend" will be the difference between winning or losing. 

- The Secret of the Cross-Step, and why it works. 

- The appropriate bunkia to the 3rd attacker. 

- A tactic to get the opponent to attack where you want them too.

- The part of the form that if you expand the movement...a hidden technique can be found. An Important One!!

- Where the American Kenpo's "Thrusting Salute" makes 
it's appearance. 

-The three hidden strikes near the end of the form. 

Shaolin Kempo Karate Forms - 1 Kata - Gm Jim Brassard - YouTube

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"Hi Grandmaster Brassard,

I just wanted to let you know that I just finished studying and practicing the 1 Kata course I recently received. And, because I've been studying with you through the courses for a while now, I expected it to be top notch, and I was not disappointed; it was amazing! 

The course was packed full of teachings and important principles-that will completely upgrade all one's previously learned techniques-and that most instructors don't even realize are there. 

From dealing with the proper way to turn into an attack (it's done wrong in 1 Kata) to a favorite of mine, counterbalancing arms and legs for striking and kicking power, to learning associated bukai and drills, this course should be mandatory for any serious karateka intending on becoming a master, no matter the style.

In any case, GM, I just want to thank you very much for another incredible learning experience and helping me to become a better martial artist!" 
- Sarah Gerace

- How to change the timing at the end of the form so that a combination is revealed....And makes more sense in combat.


During the years of 1958-61, the original twelve punching combinations were developed, and three formalized forms, today known as Kata #1, Kata#2 and Kata#3. 

The forms were made up of movements from the KAJUKENBO system, rearranged, and were largely the creation of Walter Godin who combined various pieces of KAJUKENBO forms. 

It is unclear exactly where the first twelve punch combinations selected came from, however it is largely held that they were designed by Walter Godin and based again on KAJUKENBO. 

One of Godin's most notable creations is Shaolin Kempo combination #4, which he continued to use in demonstrations and seminars until his passing in 2001.

In 1966, Nick Cerio broke from George Pesare after receiving his Black Belt and struck out on his own. 

When Nick Cerio began as an instructor, he taught ONLY.... 

Twelve Combinations, and three forms -
these were Kata 1, 2, and 3. 

(3 forms and 12 combinations and Prof. Cerio achieved his Black Belt...THEN added more. So does one need 15-20 forms and 50-100 techniques????)

NOOOOO........a few forms and several techniques IF taught CORRECTLY should be enough to yield a ton of information.)

It is unclear exactly where the first twelve punch combinations selected came from, however it is largely held that they were designed by Walter Godin and based again on KAJUKENBO.

Within the year, Nick Cerio began collaborating with early and original students on the East and West Coast. Armed with an extensive new amount of knowledge about his original system, he began to create. (with the help of George Pesare)

The result of this was what we now call Kata numbers 4, 5,  & 6 and an additional 14 punch defenses for a total of twenty-six.

Many of the original 12 combinations were slightly changed and renamed in the Nick Cerio System. 

Good examples of these are - Buckling Branch/Combination #7, Menacing Twirl/Combination #12, or Bending Tree/Combination #19. 

As evidenced by the names of the "Nick Cerio techniques," the changes were made upon the advice of Kenpo Master Ed Parker

Walter Godin was born 3/21/1937. With the help of Victor Sonny Gascon(Born 3/6/1933), his brother-in-law, they developed the 1st Kata. 

Gascon begins his training in Judo in 46 and begins teaching in 58...after learning Kajukenbo from John Leoning. 

If we do the math.....they where both UNDER 30 years of age when creating 1 Kata. This is not to say they were not good martial artists. 

But, it seems hard to believe they were the all knowing-wise Masters, and that their creations were perfect and had no flaws. 

Not to mention, which variation of the form is the same as the original??? I've been a judge many times and have never seen the exact same form executed. 

So a few simple upgrades are needed so they stand up to pressure testing in combat. 

REMEMBER, the attacker is fighting back, NOT just standing still

A lot of these are NOT changes but the correct way to practice and teach the form...

AND by teaching the art with logic and common sense will STOP students from leaving our art for others.

If you are a teacher of the Kempo arts, you must notice some students taken off to study jujitsu, MMA or looking for other Masters.....right???


Like you, they are looking for THE answers...and are not getting them from our Katas/Techniques. That is what you will see in the course. 

"Grandmaster Brassard takes a hard look into one of our favorite forms, Kata 1, and reveals astounding teachings within this basic form. This course will add such depth that every time you practice Kata 1, it will come to life!!!" - Master Brad Randolph 

If you care to learn this form, then this is the easiest way to to it. 

If you have this form, the info in this course will change the way you view ALL FORMS

"I've had 1 Kata for 15 years, and my mind was blown away with the unique insights, improved ways of motion, and deeper understanding that the Grandmaster shares in this course.

Grandmaster Jim Brassard offers a unique perspective of Kata 1 that I believe every Kempo practitioner will be excited about & learn Much from!!"
Joanne Vatore 4th Dan the end of each of the 2 DVD's there are some bonus teachings.(Over 60 Minutes of  

In the 1st DVD you will learn the safest way to strike above the neck

In the 2nd video....the important hidden technique mentioned above is taught with more more detail as to round out the lesson.

Right now, you can get the One Kata 
2 DVD course and the info in them for ONLY $79 (FREE S&H) 
A surprisingly low amount when you consider that this course will show you the tactical mistakes you are doing AND Teaching.

And as an added BONUS, when you order this course you will also get a current month's copy of my Private Monthly Training DVD subscription. 

That's a $29.99 Value FREE !!

Here's What To Do Next...
From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button and you can finally get started!
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Yours in the Martial Arts,

GM Jim Brassard
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

You will be getting a 2 DVD course on one Kata and the secrets in it, as well as the proper way to perform it for actual combat. The DVD's also have bonus teachings at the end of each. 

And as a free gift you will get a current copy of my private monthly training club.

Go to 
JamesBrassard dot com and download it NOW
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