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25pc 5 Gallon Bay Hydro Fabric Pots HIGH QUALITY Smart Geo Pot Air Prune SAVE $$

 25pc 5 Gallon BAY HYDRO Fabric Pots

Available in this listing are the Bay Hydro Fabric Pots. We have other sizes available 3, 5, & 7 Gallon :-) for now, more sizes to come. Superior quality to many, and right there in quality you are used to in many of the TOP brand fabric pots out there at incredible savings. Check them out, you will see the quality I promise.

This listing is for the BLACK Bay Hydro Fabric Pots.

The Bay Hydro Fabric Pot is a self-supporting fabric container. They are very durable and able to be washed and reused several times. You will enjoy and notice the benefits of air root pruning creating a better root structure and aeration to the root zone through the porous fabric we have.

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