Title: Tuhfe-i Murâdî (Cevhernâme)
Year: 1430
Author: Muhammad Shirvani
Language: Ottoman Turkish 
Original: Süleymaniye Manuscripts Library, Haghia Sophia Collection, No. 3577
Category: Medicine
Publication type: Index, Review, Prefix
Publication Year: 2012
ISBN 978-975-17-3662-8
Size 260 pages, 20x14 cm

The main theme of Tuhfe-i Muradi, the physician Muhammad b. Mahmud-i Shirvani's work who lived in the late 14th century and in the first half of the 15th century, is precious stones, beautiful smells, medicine and objects that increase sexual power. The work was presented to  Ottoman ruler Murat II in 1430.  The work is written in a simple diction, just like the 15th century's other monumental works.

The Ottoman scholars that studied the precious stones introduced the scientific discipline in the books called the jevhernâme or kevâhirnâme

Prepared by Mustafa Argunshah, this book comes in three parts. In the "Investigation" section, first of all, Shirvani's life and works were extensively emphasized, followed by Tuhfe-i Muradi. The second part of the work is "Text". The last part of the book contains the "Index" which contains all the words in the text.

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