
Y'OK? x. This rare four letter .com (LLLL.com) domain is easy to pronounce with a catchy sound which makes it incredibly brandable for a social networking app or for almost anything you choose. It's also an attractive name for logo and branding purposes (as pictured). This high quality custom made logo can be provided if desired in .JPG and .GIF formats. If you have Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud (not included), the .PSD file can also be included upon request. This .PSD file contains no rasterized elements so will allow you to rescale the image in your copy of Photoshop Creative Cloud with no loss of quality, provided you do not rasterize any of the layers. No numbers or hyphens. A true top level .com domain name (not an IDN).

Yokx.com is registered with Dynadot.com and won't need to be renewed until June 2024. Renewals and renewal fees are the responsibility of the buyer (currently less than $11 per year with this registrar). A Dynadot.com account is free to open and is required to receive this domain. This domain is currently not available for transfer to GoDaddy or any other registrars except Dynadot. A free push to your Dynadot.com account will be initiated within two business days after I receive your payment and your Dynadot Username. This change of ownership is straightforward, completely free and as much help will be given as you require.

This listing is for the domain name Yokx.com only and does not include a web site, Adobe Photoshop, a hosting package or anything else. Registrar renewal pricing was checked at time of listing and may vary. The buyer will have full ownership of the domain.

Buy Yokx.com or make your best offer before someone else realizes its potential!