Azercay Azerbaijan Tea - Black Pekoe Tea - Native Tea Series "Buket" in Metal

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·         AZERCAY BUKET 100g - Black tea "Buket" in metallic box

·         Product of Azerbaijan - Pure 100% Natural Organic Large Leaves Tea

·         Black Pekoe Tea "Buket" Native Tea Series 100 gram / 3.2 ounce. 

·         Preparation: Add one teaspoon of tea per 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 7-8 minutes.

·         Store in a dry place.

·         Manufacturer: "SunTea Cay Fabriki" Azerbaijan

About Tea

"Azercay" buket tea is specially prepared with the prescription of Azerbaijan Buket tea exported during the Soviet period. The delicious taste of our native tea, which has gathered us around a table for many years, has not been forgotten and has been transmitted from generation to generation. The "Azercay" buket tea will give you a nostalgic feeling with its native taste and aroma.

Composition of the product 

This product is a mixture of large leafy, long-twisted orange Pekoe (OPA) teas. The tea was specially grown and collected and produced from elongated, perfectly twisted green tea leaves using special technology. The taste of the tea is graceful mouth dazzling, the color is bright golden-red.

Brewing procedure

Use fresh and light water to brew delicious tea that makes everyone delightful. It should not be boiled for longer than 10 seconds in order not to lose oxygen while boiling. Boiled water should not be reused. It is better to use porcelain teapot instead of metal teapot. Two teaspoons of dry leafy tea are added to 200 ml of freshly boiled water and the lid of the teapot is covered. For better brewing, the teapot must be covered with a towel. In this case, for brewing of large leafy teas 7 - 8 minutes should be waited. The brewed tea is served to the table tastefully.

After opening the box, the tea should be stored in a dry and odorless place in the hermetically sealed container.