Happy Liv Gal has a deliciously scented minty, citrus, airy aroma.     

This blend is for strengthening the liver and gallbladder and assists in removing toxins from these organs.  It may assist with jaundice and kidney disorders.  Happy Liv Gal blend may assist with digesting foods, speed the metabolism and promote joy and happiness.  The oils used are antibiotic, antifungal, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, analgesic, antispasmodic, calming, sedative, anti-inflammatory and come in a green 10ml roller bottle with a stainless steel ball.  Instructions are included. 

HOW TO USE: Rub on the liver, gallbladder, and pressure points on the feet.  Make sure to drink plenty of water, as water flushes the toxins out the body.  Apply using a carrier oil if you order without it added to the oil blend.  

OILS USED & POSSIBLE BENEFITS: All oils are 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

**Lime - assists toxins through the liver at an accelerated rate, stimulates the immune system to produce leukocytes that aid in fighting infection

**Grapefruit - detoxifies the lymphatic system, reduces water retention and aids with gallstones, kidney and liver disorders, helps relieve stress related eating disorders

**Lemon - cleanses the liver, stimulates the endocrine system, helps pass gallstones and alleviates discomfort

**Patchouli - aids the liver and kidneys by discharging toxins, calms and helps let go of past emotions

**Bergamot - encourages the release of anger and pain which are usually stored in the liver meridian

**Cypress - decongests the liver, lymph and pancreas (a mild estrogenic and should be avoided by most pregnant women) 

**Clove - relieves pain - natural analgesic, rebuilds energy, stimulates circulation, improves overall nutrition in the body

**Helichrysum - stimulates the liver, gallbladder and pancreas, anti-inflammatory, drains lymph (avoid if pregnant) 

**Geranium - discharges toxins from the liver and dilates the bilary ducts aiding the liver, gallbladder and kidney function, helps reduce jaundice 

**Rosemary - has a strong antiseptic action against liver disorders and is effective for hangovers and viral hepatitis

**Basil - digestive tonic, has strong expectorant properties (avoid if pregnant)

**Carrot Seed - powerful liver detoxifier and blood cleanser

**Fractionated coconut oil - used as the carrier oil, helps to spread and carry the oil

**Caution: If Pregnant, consult with your medical Dr to see if this blend is safe for use. I can make this blend without cypress, basil and helichrysum.

**Caution: The citrus oils are photo-toxic and can burn the skin if exposed to long periods of sun or UV rays after applying this blend for at least 12 hours.
Each 10 ml bottle will have 30 DROPS of essential oils and the rest is filled with fractionated coconut oil. 

Give this as a gift to all your friends and family. Each oil is packaged in a white or brown envelope tied with yellow, green and tan yarn for a cute, rustic feel!  I will choose the envelope color unless you leave a note in the order stating your choice.

EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled / citrus oils are cold pressed

I have other blends in my shop including perfume and cologne. 

Disclaimer for Safety:
I do not claim to cure any ailment, disease or health problem nor do I claim these oils will benefit in any medicinal manner.  Products in my shop are only for use for the purpose of traditional old folk ways for natural health.  The information I share should never be used to substitute any medical health care professional and if you have a health problem, you should consult a qualified health care professional.  The FDA has not examined any of the statements in this shop.  Use your best judgement!