This color matches older version lenses up to the 70-200mm IS II. Later generations use a lighter shade. Please let me know if you would need that version.

Also known as Off-white Canon L Zoom Lens Touch Up Paint Acrylic Version - CY9-8078-200 comes in a 10 grams container.

Fast drying, original color paint. Easy to clean, water soluble, excellent texture and semi-matte surface.

There are three different shades of lens body colors depending on the years.

All three colors are very similar. CY9-8078-200 is the most commonly used color, it is in the middle of the three shades.

You may apply our paint with any mini hobby grade brush; specifically Tamiya and Humbrol brands are suggested.

For excellent results on larger areas, you should spray the paint with a hobby size sprayer if available. For better protection we also suggest applying semi-gloss polyurethane clear coat (any quality brand) found in home repair stores.


- Clean the lens sections to be painted with a non-residue leaving light solvent, like alcohol. Never use Goof-Off as it will strip the original body paint.
- Mix the paint well in the mini container with a toothpick.
- In a well lit location, use a mini brush with very small amounts of paint on the chipped sections.
- Upon application, initial color will be lighter, wait at least for an hour to get the color stabilized.
- You may use your lens within a couple hours, however, for full strength, let the paint dry for 15 days and avoid harsh contacts on painted sections.

Good to know: 

Our paint is NOT OIL BASED like some other sellers offer in a brushed container. Oil based paint will not dry in less than 24 hours and when dried out it becomes very thick yielding raw looking results not matching with the original lens body color. Oil based paints will also tend to become yellowish in a couple of months.