The death of Cecil, the beloved lion in Zimbabwe was no doubt a terrible event. It caused a much needed outcry and attention to illegal poaching and the slaughter of so many endangered species in our world.

We should also remember that even more important, is the unnecessary death and killing of many unarmed youth and people around the country in cities like Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Ferguson and around the world. If we are able to bring a fraction of the same outcry to the unnecessary killing and slaughter of innocent PEOPLE in the world, we could achieve amazing results! The innocent never deserve to be victimized or gunned down in their homes or neighborhoods, the way Cecil was in his.

Cecil's death has definitely increased awareness of wildlife preservation. We hope that these shirts can continue to bring awareness to Human Rights. I am He and He is Me! Let's focus on LIFE preservation!

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these shirts will go to causes that help promote Human Rights.