(What You Receive)

- A 'Texas Dawn' (Nymphaea) Water Lily Starter Sprouted Tuber/Rhizome (Ready to Plant & Varying in Size) -

(Plant & Care)

🌱 Can be planted submerged in ponds & can also be enjoyed simply as a standalone plant; submerged in a pot/container

🌱 They grow best in high sun to partial shade through out the day

🌱 Plant tuber/rhizome 1' to 3' below the surface of the water

🌱 Pack heavy soils around the tuber/rhizome when planting to avoid floating

🌱 When the lily is in its growth season, fertilize once a month

(Detailed Info)
 This is o
ne of my favorites; it's a beautiful, hardy & easy to grow water lily. I’ve had this lily for over 20 years growing in multiple ponds. It will have gorgeous yellow bloom with a nice mottled pattern on the pads all summer & usually late into the fall.

 These are very easy to grow & they like as much sun as possible. To plant them, use any plastic type pot with no holes in the bottom.  Fill with a heavy dirt, heavy clay type dirts are good, heavier the better so it does not want to float up. Plant the tuber and cover with a layer of an inch or so of play sand to hold the dirt down.  Allow the top growth tip to come up above the sand a little. If you have koi or goldfish in a pond, maybe zip tie the tuber to a rock inside the pot so they can't dig it up.  Slowly submerge in the pond or larger container and sink it at least a foot and up to 3 foot below the surface of the water if you have a deeper pond.

 During the growing months fertilize each month with a few aquatic fertilizer tabs pushed down in the soil. It will grow fast and will become root pound at least by 2 years and sometimes in one year.  When that happens, repot in early spring when it is just starting to put out pads.  To repot, just start over with one or two tubers to give it plenty of room to grow. If you have any issues & are not seeing growth or if you just have a question, just let me know.

(Package Shipped with USPS First Class)

(The Fertilizer I Use) 