Chia Seed Oil 2000mg
Support healthy skin
Promote digestive health
Improve heart health
Balance blood sugar
Boost energy and exercise performance
Build stronger bones
Aid in weight loss

-Made in the United States-

(1 Bottle, 60 Softgels)

Product Description.
Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica) have become one of the most popular superfoods in the health community. Hailing from a species of flowering plant in the mint family, chia seeds are native to areas of Mexico and Guatemala but are commonly cultivated in many areas in North and South America. they offer a long list of important nutrients, including protein, manganese and calcium, along with plenty of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Chia Seed Oil:

Support Healthy Skin.
Chia seeds are jam-packed with antioxidants, accounting for the powerful benefits of chia seeds for skin health. Antioxidants are compounds that fight free radical damage and prevent oxidative stress while also promoting tissue repair and protecting against skin damage.

Promote Digestive Health.
Chia is loaded with fiber, squeezing nearly 11 grams of fiber into a single ounce. This means that adding just one ounce of chia seeds into your daily diet can supply a whopping 44 percent of your fiber needs for the entire day.

Because of their rich fiber content, chia seeds benefit digestive health by promoting regularity and increasing stool frequency to prevent constipation. The fiber also acts as a prebiotic to provide fuel for the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which plays a central role in many aspects of health and disease.

Improve Heart Health.
Thanks to their high content of antioxidants, fiber and heart-healthy fats, chia seeds pack a major punch when it comes to cardiovascular health. In fact, one of the most powerful chia seeds health benefits is their ability to reduce inflammation and decrease several risk factors of heart disease. Inflammation can put extra strain on blood vessels and is thought to contribute to heart disease along with a slew of other chronic conditions.

Chia seeds are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids, boasting even more omega-3s per gram than salmon. Omega-3s work to protect the heart by lowering blood pressure, cholesterol levels and inflammation.

Balance Blood Sugar.
Rich in both alpha-linolenic acid and fiber, evidence from several studies suggests that chia seeds can help maintain normal blood sugar levels to fight diabetes and insulin resistance. One animal model in the British Journal of Nutrition even found that adding chia seeds to a high-sugar diet prevented changes in blood sugar and lipid levels. What's more, human studies have also found that adding chia seeds to white bread reduces the glycemic response to prevent spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels.

Energy and Exercise Performance.
Chia seeds are often used by athletes for carb loading, a strategy that helps maximize the storage of glycogen in the muscles and liver to optimize endurance and boost exercise performance. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning concluded that consuming chia seeds enhanced exercise performance for workouts that lasted 90 minutes the same way a sugar-laden sports drink would but without all the unhealthy sugar. In the study, half of the athletes drank 100 percent Gatorade, while the others consumed half Gatorade and half chia seed drink. In the end, the runners' times were matched, but the half-chia group consumed far less sugar.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Softgel
Servings per Container: 60

Chia Seed Oil(Salvia hispanica)(seed) - 1,000mg

Typical Fatty Acid Profile:
Alpha Linoleic Acid - 630mg
Linoleic Acid - 210mg
Oleic Acid - 72mg

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin(Bovine), Vegetable Glycerin, Natural Caramel Color.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.