No chemicals were used in the growing of these plants. I just used natural compost from grass cuttings and some sea weed.

Some people are growing these plants under lights over the winter. 
I have put about half the pod in the bag which will be enough for most growers. They reckon there are about 1500 in a pod, so there should be a few hundred at least. I have taken a photo to show the amount if you fancy having a go at counting them. 

These are my instructions for growing if you want to print them out or copy them.

Store any seeds in a dark/cool place until you need them. Spread the seed onto the surface of soil and spray until they are growing. If they are put too close together the roots will get tangled and they are hard to separate. Put in a sunny window, keep moist, cover with clingfilm. Once they are growing you need to water very carefully as they are delicate for this short period, the spray and water will flatten them.
Outside- the bigger the root space- the bigger the plant. Protect from slugs. Don't forget to cure before smoking. Please do your own research. 
Start indoors March, April for outside in the summer, to make the most of the short summer,
If you have lights you may be able to grow all year around.

A little seed produces a lot of plants.