«ROSHEN» "Mont Blanc" chocolate candy cream praline with crushed hazel - 200g
«РОШЕН» "Монблан" крем-пралине с дробленым фундуком - 200г

Description: The unusual combination of two kinds of chocolate and praline unglazed shell filled cream praline with crushed hazel. Lack chocolate shell allows you to emphasize special praline flavor and crushed hazel.
Food (nutritional) value of 100 g product (g): protein - 8,0; fat - 40.0; carbohydrates - 44,0.
Energy value (caloric) 100 g: 580 calories.

Packing: 1 set - 200g;

Shelf life: 12 months. Keep at (18 ± 3) degrees respectively and relative humidity above 75%.