This name tag is 1" x 3" in black or silver with a Magnet or Pin backing.  The name on the badge is a sample. 
Please let me know what name you would like at the time of purchase.  You can have up to 2 lines of words on the badge with a maximum of 8 letters on each line. 

Other Choices: 
Magnet Backing
Pin Backing
I have attached a picture of different color name tags.  If you don't want the display color let me know at the time of purchase.  If there is no message i will send the display picture.

If you would like a different charm you can pick from the 2 pictures, let me know at the time of purchase is there is a change.  If there is no message i will send the display picture.

If you want to change the color of the letters let me know at the time of purchase.  If there is no message I will use the color of the letters on the picture.  These are the colors:
1  White
2  Blue
3  Red
4  Multi-color
5  Silver
6  Pink
7  Cream