100% Cotton Shemagh Head Scarf - Army Wrap Desert Kaffiyeh Military Scarf

ARMY MILITARY TACTICAL SCARF Shemagh KeffIyeh Mens Womens Survival Airsoft Gear

42 inchs x 42 inchs (US) - 106.68 cm x 106.68 cm (AU)

Shemagh Headscarf

100% cotton Shemaghs in (Green)

Shemaghs have been worn by both militaries and civilians alike for many years. They were originally known as Keffiyeh, with the term 'shemagh' coming from the Turkish word 'yasmak', translating loosely to 'tied thing'.

They're very well made, and measure a massive 42 inchs x 42 inchs (US) - 106.68 cm x 106.68 cm (AU) you plenty of scarf to work with. They are made from 100% cotton, with knotted tassel ends around the edges. They can be worn in a myriad of styles and ways, and offer some extra protection against the elements, be they the sun and dust of an arid climate, or the wind and cold

Great quality woven shemaghs, made from 100% cotton


The Shemagh can be used to keep you either warm or cold; to provide basic protection from all the elements. It is also instrumental in gathering, collecting and purifying water, for hunting, carrying and cooking food, creating traps, as well as for fashioning tools and weapons.

Additionally it can be used to start a fire and is potentially vital in medical emergencies: creating slings, arm and leg splints, sewing up wounds, as a tourniquet or pressure bandage and even for stretchers). It can be used in the creation of shelters, for self-defence and can be utilised as a signalling tool for rescue.

Unlike other survival tools, (such as a knife) one of the most appealing things about the Shemagh is that it is not illegal to carry it, in fact it can be worn anywhere at any time. For this reason, it is one of the most versatile survival tools you could ever have.

My name is Wesley Gorton. I am an enthusiast hiker, prepper and survivalist.

I truly believe that the Shemagh is the ultimate everyday carrying survival tool and is a must have for any hiker, bushman, survivalist, pilot, armed forces personnel or police official.

“Shemagh: The Ultimate Survival Tool And Survival Techniques” By Wesley Gorton, was created to open your mind to the possibilities of thinking outside the box. It was written so that you may create, find or catch anything you need to survive any worst case scenarios solely with the knowledge from this book and a Shemagh.