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This is a 12 minutes 17 second film with sound comparing the 1956 Ford versus Chevrolet, and Plymouth. This Film series is filled with many facts and figures of why Ford is better than Chevrolet, and Plymouth. A very informative film originally produced for Ford Dealers and Employees for the 1956 Ford promotion (Not originally intended for public viewing) . The film contains many comparison facts such as
  • Styling
  • Ford features Versus Chevrolet, and Plymouth
  • Ford Accessories
  • Engine HP and specifications
  • Transmission availability
  • Frame construction
  • Detailed styling and mechanical advantages and improvements besting the competition .
We have  Restored both images and sound to be as close or better than original from original film and records which we have acquired over the years.
We also have photos available of any of these images which will be printed from the original film.
Film is available on CD or USB ( since many computers no longer have cd drives ) and also available for android.
The content and information contained in this film was the copyright Of Ford in 1956 and the restoration and compilation of both the sound and images are the copyright Of Automotive History Restored 2018