Pro 11 wellbeing Hot and cold cooling packs for knee, head, back, neck and shoulder

Stays hot and cold for long periods
Ergonomic structural design 
comes with adjustable strapping
Skin friendly fabric

can be frozen or heated 

Cold therapy for treatment of sore aching backs, swelling and sprains, muscle pain and spasms, mild Arthritis and Pre/post workout.

Hot therapy for treatment of sports injury, swelling and sprains, bumps and bruises, muscle spasms, joint pain and pre/post workout. 

Cold therapy Freeze for at least 2 hours or chill in the refrigerator until desired coolness is achieved. do not apply frozen gel beads directly on to the skin. do not apply for longer than 10 minutes at a time. 

Heat therapy: start with at room temperature, wrap pack in moist cloth or paper towel and place pack in centre of clean microwave turntable so it is not touching the sides. do not overheat as this may damage the product see instructions for guidance on microwave times etc. 

materials outer: PVC Polyester
materials Inner Glycerin, Sodium pollyacrylate, sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, purified water.


Knee and Elbow 58 x 9.4 cm
Multi purpose 28 x 17 cm 
Head and sinus 120 x 14 cm
Neck and shoulder 28 x 17 cm
Lower back 120x 14 cm