
It is a hedge or shrub bush that reaches between 2 and 3 meters high, and between 2 and 3 and a half meters wide. It has spiny branches and elongated leaves, whole and somewhat thick. The pink or violet flowers have a flared calyx and a corolla with five lobes. The fruit is a fleshy ovoid berry of red or orange color.

The plant itself and berries are commonly known as Goji, Goji berries or Goji cherries.



Antibacterial, anticancer, diuretic, orexigenic, renal protective, purgative Y toning general.



It germinates very easy, it is not necessary to pre-germinativo treatment. Directly on the substrate, without burying seeds, only you must press them lightly into the substrate, to water them do so from below by submerging the pot in a bowl with a little water, and the pot absorbing water from below, so that seeds not they are buried. Liycium seeds need light to germinate, but not Sun direct, should move away from the Sun until they germinate, can take 3 to 4 weeks to germinate. Temperature 15 ° C - 25 ° C


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If you have any questions or need help both with plants such as seeds, I will be happy to try to help you.