
It is a species suffrutex which can easily exceed the meter in height, with stems square, something comose and usually with rounded corners; sheets, 2 - 6cm by 2 - 5mm is more or less lanceolate, acute, entire, green, with the outstanding central nerve on the underside, eventually with revolute margin. The inflorescence, spiciform and long pedunculated, can measure up to 9cm and is made up of one 5 whorls rather coming but with the clearly distant lower. The bracts are broadly ovate, acuminate, the shorter upper, with 7-9 nerves superiorly, divided membranaceas, whitish or greenish-Brown, while the bracteólas are almost linear. There is no apical tuft of bracts. Flowers have a 5mm thick peloso pentafido chalice with a tube crossed by 13 nerves, with the upper tooth prolonged by an appendix as an operculum of size inframilimetrico. The corolla, about 10-12 mm, has a bilobate upper lip and the lower 3-lobed much smaller than the of the upper lip, all of purple or bluish.



Antiasthmatic, Antispasmodic, antiseptic, Digestive Y Expectorant



It germinates very easy. It is not necessary to pre-germinativo treatment. Directly on the substrate, without burying seeds too, only you must press them lightly in the substrate. Eucalyptus seeds need light to germinate, but not Sun direct, should move away from the Sun until they germinate, can take 3 to 4 weeks to germinate.

Temperature 15 ° C - 25 ° C


Combined shipping costs 

If you have any questions or need help both with plants such as seeds, I will be happy to try to help you.

Riego Escaso
Rusticidad (RHS) H6 (-20 to -15 °C)
EAN No aplicable
Marca - Sin marca/Genérico -
Tipo de unidad Unidad
País/Región de fabricación España
MPN No aplicable
pH de la tierra ácido, neutro o alcalino
Color Azul, Morado
Luz solar Sol
Tipo de tierra Franca
Tipo de tierra Arcilla
Tipo de tierra Arena
Clima Cálido
Clima Frío
Clima Seco
Follaje De hoja perenne
Estación Primavera