addiNovel Square Fixed Circular Knitting Needles

Choice of Sizes & Lengths

Main Description

addiNovel fixed circular needles have lace tips with an ergonomic design for effortless holding and knitting. The needles are square with rounded edges and a structured surface, which helps you grip the needles more easily.

During knitting, the needle design feels like a small massage for fingers and hands. This stimulates blood circulation and reduces tension, even when knitting for several hours. Perfect for those who have  problems with their hands.

The long tapered tips are suitable for lace and intricate knitting. The design stops stitches slipping off the needle unintentionally.

The needles have addi's popular red cord, which is not only highly flexible, but also shows all important information about the respective needles: in addition to the length, the needle size is also printed. Despite the needle's unusual shape, they can still be measured in standard needle gauges, just like normal round needles.

Tip lengths

Circular Tip Length
(tip to join at cable)
40cm approx 9cm
60cm - 150cm approx 13cm

Brand:  addi
Needle Type:  Fixed Circular Knitting Needles
Material: Metal tips, plastic cable
Sizes Available: 2.5mm - 8mm 
Lengths Available:  40cm, 50cm, 60cm, 80cm, 100cm, 120cm, 150cm 
Pack Contains:  1 fixed circular knitting needle

Additional Information

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