Halo Generator negative ion chloride sodium Microclimate simulator salt room

This product data sheet is originally written in English.

Generator negative ion chloride sodium

Halogenerator «IONNA»

(Microclimate simulator of the hydrochloric mines)

Generator negative ion chloride sodium
Halogenerator «IONNA»
(Microclimate simulator of the hydrochloric mines)

Nowadays treatment of the patients, who are suffering with a bronchial
asthma, is recognized as highly effective speleotheraphy (when patients
stay in hydrochloric mines). The specific microclimate is the basic operating
factor, which is created by high concentration of sodium chloride
Halogenerator «IONNA» (the generator of negative aeroions of sodium chloride) turns the conditions of hospital, sanatorium chambers and
premises, the microclimate, which is similar to the hydrochloric mines.

The microclimate created by the generator, can be used for complex
treatment of the patients, suffering a bronchial asthma as possesses ability
to improve bronchial passableness and to sanify the top respiratory ways
from relatively pathogenic micro floras (a bacterium of sort Staphylococcus).

Indications for use:
Bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis during all periods of illness;
Relapsing bronchitis;
Acute obstructive bronchitis;
Chronic inflammatory diseases of a nasopharynx and the top respiratory tracts;
Mucoviscidosis, pulmonary and is pulmonary-intestinal forms in indemnification and subindemnification period. Age restrictions are absent.
absolute - are absent;
relative - Hypersensitivity to ionized air.

The generator's work is based on reception of highly dispersive aerosol
of sodium chloride (the size of parts NaCl is not bigger than 0,4 microns)
at passage of an ionized stream, which is warmed up to temperature 55-
60°С, air through a demountable salt cartridge.

Depending on the chosen technique, cartridges with sea salt of Black
sea (Sacks' hydro-geological mode-operational station, Saki, Crimea), or
cartridges with salt of the Solotvinsky deposit from Zakarpatye area of
Ukraine can be used.

The generator feeds from the network of an alternating current voltage
of 220 V +-10 % Power consumption no more than 100 V A (at the included
thermal heater). Adjustment air stream: from 5 to 40 m3/h. Adjustment
of concentration of ions: from 2*103 to 4*104 ion/sm3. Automatic
maintenance to temperature in the heating chamber. Microprocessor management,
Digital indication of modes. Overall dimensions: 210х270х240
mm. Weight: 4,5 kg (with a cartridge). 
Average service life halogenerator -
not less than 6 years.

Recommendations about using are fulfilled in establishments of Ministry
of Health of Ukraine and applied together with "Operation manual"
With the Halogenerator sent the warranty for 12 months.
Can be used in domestic premises, provided that:
- Should not be in the room carpet;
- A minimum of lacquered furniture.

Test certificate

Halogenerator «IONNA» complies with technical requirements of national standard ТУ У 21537844.010-2006 and declared operable.


Main technical specifications

Technical specifications:

Voltage and frequency of supply main, V/Hz220/50
Maximum power consumption, W, no more than100
Cartridge with NaCl microcrystalline, refined, pcs.
- weight, kg
- durability, years, not less than
Voltage on ionizator radiator, kW5÷15
Concentration of negative aerions in 1m. distance from radiator, ions/cm32·103¸4·104
NaCl particle size, µm, not more than0,5
Ionization area (with concentration of 5K ions/cm3), m220 m2
Running time cycle (continuous work), hrs24
Temperature range in ionization camera, °С+30¸+80
Temperature measurement pitch, °С5
Accuracy of temperature control in ionization camera, °С+5(-2)
Volume of air, passing through cartridge with NaCl, m3/hr5¸40
Mode indicationLight, digital
Mode signalingSound
Mode management with saving optionFlash-processor
Operating temperature of environment, ºС+10+40
Relative humidity, %60±20
Weight (excl. NaCl cartridge), kg, not more than4,5
Overall dimensions, mm210х270х240

Supply voltage is 220V
US and UK customers need an adapter!  
US customers will need converter from 110V AC to 220V 

stay in hydrochloric mines). The specific microclimate is the basic operating Halogenerator «IONNA» (the generator of negative aeroions of sodium chloride) turns the conditions of hospital, sanatorium chambers and treatment of the patients, suffering a bronchial asthma as possesses ability from relatively pathogenic micro floras (a bacterium of sort Staphylococcus). Chronic inflammatory diseases of a nasopharynx and the top respiratory tracts; Mucoviscidosis, pulmonary and is pulmonary-intestinal forms in indemnification and subindemnification period. Age restrictions are absent. of sodium chloride (the size of parts NaCl is not bigger than 0,4 microns) maintenance to temperature in the heating chamber. Microprocessor management, Halogenerator «IONNA» complies with technical requirements o
Color Gray
Brand SV-medical
UPC Does not apply
Country/Region of Manufacture Ukraine
MPN 4823077613609
Model "Ionna"
Type Laying filter
Size Medium