
Mentha pulegium, is one of the best known spices of the genus Mentha. Of the family of the labiates, it is a perennial cespitosa and of rhizomatous roots that grows well in humid places or next to fluvial courses, where it is found wild between grasses and other plants.
Its erect quadrangular stems, very branched, can reach between 30 and 40 cm. The leaves are lanceolate and slightly serrated, of medium to dark green color and are arranged opposite along the stems. The tiny pink flowers are born grouped in tight gloomy inflorescences.
This aromatic plant has been known for centuries throughout the Mediterranean Sea basin and western Asia, where it grows spontaneously, for its carminative, relaxing properties and even as an emenagogue (which favors the onset of menstruation), taken as an infusion.
It blooms in spring and early summer, starting in March, depending on the climate where it lives.



Antispasmodic, antiseptic, carminative, diaphoretic, digestive, emenagogue, stimulant, sedative and general toning



It germinates very easy, it is not necessary to pre-germinativo treatment. Directly on the substrate, without burying the seeds, you should only press them lightly on the substrate, to water them do it from below by soaking the pot in a container with some water, and that the pot absorbs water from below, so that the seeds Don't bury yourself too much. Mentha seeds need light to germinate, but not direct sun, they should move away from the sun until they germinate, they can take 3 to 4 weeks to germinate. Temperature 15ºC-25ºC


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If you have any questions or need help both with plants such as seeds, I will be happy to try to help you.