Elderberry Capsules contain both the berries and the Flowers

450mg each

30 count

Sambucus nigra is a deciduous shrub or small tree of the Adoxaceae family that grows to 6 m (20 ft) tall and wide. The bark, light grey when young, changes to a coarse grey outer bark with lengthwise furrowing. The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, 10–30 cm long, pinnate with five to seven (rarely nine) leaflets, the leaflets 5–12 cm long and 3–5 cm broad, with a serrated margin.

The hermaphrodite flowers are borne in large, flat corymbs 10–25 cm diameter in late spring to mid summer, the individual flowers ivory white, 5–6 mm diameter, with five petals; they are pollinated by flies.

The fruit is a glossy dark purple to black berry 3–5 mm diameter, produced in drooping clusters in late autumn; they are an important food for many fruit-eating birds, notably blackcaps.

common names & nomenclature 
The name Elder, is probably derived from the Anglo-Saxon word Aeld meaning fire. Another old name for Elder is Ellhorn, hinting at the use of hollowed Elderbranches as a furnace. Old names like HollerHylderHyllantree, and the German word Holunder all refer to an ancient vegetation Goddess, Hylde Moer, as she was known in Denmark.

Also known as:
european elder, black elder, boor tree, ellhorn, bountry, ellanwood, german elder, elder, elderberry, european elderberry, european black elderberry, judas tree, pipe tree, bourtree, boretree, eller, holler, hylder, hylantree, holunder, sureau