DESCRIPTION: MediCOPPER® true colloidal Copper CuNP nutritional supplement is non-toxic and perfectly safe to take as a daily supplement for years; it consists of 99.99+% pure Copper as 100% bioavailable Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) colloidally suspended and dispersed in pure sterile pharmaceutical grade water at a safe and effective concentration of 60 ppm which provides 150 mcg (17% RDA) of Copper per serving. For 100% RDA, see MediCOPPER Plus (aka MediCOPPER+). MediCOPPER ultra-high purity true colloidal Copper nutritional supplement was engineered by Biochemist Michael Miller (see SAFETY below) for your well-being and to maximize your body’s potential by supplying a key and esoteric trace element, Copper, that your body needs to boost blood health and function - resulting in increased well being, energy and overall health.

You are purchasing 1 US Gallon (128 Fl Oz) of MediCOPPER® true colloidal Copper CuNP nutritional supplement in a new unopened clear glass jug - factory triple sealed for your protection. Shipping is free within the USA - including AK, HI, and all US territories.

THE NEED: In a 2016 online article by entitled "Copper is the key to burning fat", they reference a survey which revealed that only 25% of the US population consumes the amount of Copper per day estimated to be adequate by the US Food and Nutritional Board of the National Academy of Sciences. This means 75% of the US is Copper deficient. Copper supplementation produces healthier blood which produces healthier cells via not only an increased ability to flow and carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells throughout the body, but to carry away toxins and waste from the cells (detox) and fight off infections as well. Healthier cells in aggregate produce improved overall health; improved gland, organ and bone function (all made of cells); reduction in health related issues; a sense of well-being (ease); more vitality; a longer life and much more. “The life force is in the blood” (Lev 17:11). Over months and years of taking just a tablespoon of MediCOPPER® Blood Booster true colloidal Copper CuNP nutritional supplement per day, the increase in your overall health should manifest over time as you reach a point where you are no longer Copper deficient.

According to Mount Sinai International, Copper “helps your body make red blood cells” ( The University of Rochester Medical Center, states that “Copper helps form hemoglobin” and “Copper deficiency can lead to low white blood count” ( Article 288165 in Medical News Today states that “effects of Copper deficiency include anemia”. According to Mount Sinai Health System in New York, Copper also helps form collagen, a key part of bones and connective tissue and thus could accompany MediSILCA™ Collagen Booster in this regard. Copper may also act as an antioxidant, reducing free radicals that can damage cells and DNA. These sources are just a small sampling of the hundred of papers and articles that document how dietary Copper not only boosts blood health, but has many other health benefits as well.

You need MediCOPPER® Blood Booster if you suffer from any of the symptoms of Copper deficiency which include “fatigue and weakness, frequent sickness, weak and brittle bones, problems with memory and learning, difficulty walking, sensitivity to cold, pale skin, premature gray hair, vision loss” according to the Healthline article entitled “9 Signs and Symptoms of Copper Deficiency”. The Merck Manual lists the following due to Copper deficiency: “fatigue and weakness due to a decreased number of red blood cells (anemia) and sometimes an increased risk of infections due to a decreased number of white blood cells. Sometimes, osteoporosis develops or nerves are damaged. Nerve damage can cause tingling and loss of sensation in the feet and hands. Muscles may feel weak. Some people become confused, irritable, and mildly depressed. Coordination is impaired.”

BENEFITS: For over a decade, users of MediCOPPER have repeatedly reported improved issues associated with blood health. MediCOPPER Blood Booster true colloidal Copper CuNP nutritional supplement is engineered and laboratory tested to maximize the health benefits of the metal Copper on your overall well being by safely and effectively supplying 100% of the RDA of Copper - boosting the blood for healthy red blood cell production and function while simultaneously boosting white blood cell production help keep your immune system healthy.

PURITY: The Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) in MediCOPPER® Blood Booster are made from 99.99+% pure Copper - this is much more pure than "pure" Copper which may only be 99% or 99.9 pure (max). Purity is critical as the impurities in other Copper supplements (the 0.1% to 1.0 %) are undesirable and potentially harmful. The Copper nanoparticles in MediCOPPER Blood Booster have a purity of 99.99+% at a safe and effective concentration of 60 parts per million (ppm) of elemental non-ionic Copper which provides 100% of the adult RDA for Copper.

SAFETY: Nutraneering’s MediCOPPER Blood Booster utilizes the proven power of 99.99+% pure colloidal Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) in a nutritional supplement formula developed and perfected by Michael Miller - a Biochemist and a former NASA scientist at NASA’s LBJ Space Center (Houston), Building 37 (Life Sciences Building) in the Water And Food Analytical Laboratory (W.A.F.A.L); Mr. Miller founded Nutraneering in 2011 and currently serves as the CEO of Nutraneering Incorporated - a California corporation. MediCOPPER™® Blood Booster is manufactured, lab tested (to ensure quality and safety), bottled and inspected in Nutraneering’s FDA registered and audited facility in Irvine, California (USA).

EFFECTIVENESS: When it comes to Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs), absorption matters. The CuNPs in MediCOPPER® Blood Booster are ultra-pure with the smallest nanoparticle size on the market (see test tube color comparison image included in this listing) which yields the highest surface area, bioavailability and intestinal absorption. Bioavailability measures the extent to which a nutrient or element can be used by cells in the body. No other true colloidal Copper CuNP supplement in the marketplace provides higher safety, absorption and bioavailability than MediCOPPER. The CuNPs in MediCOPPER are 100% bioavailable.

TRUST: For over 15 years, MediCOPPER® by Nutraneering has been a trusted brand of true colloidal Copper CuNP supplement across the globe. Our satisfied MediCOPPER customers can be found in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Scotland, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Croatia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere. MediCOPPER is Fair Trade, Made in the USA, Non-Toxic, Hypoallergenic, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, BPA-Free, Sugar Free, Halal, Kosher, and has zero calories.

DIRECTIONS: MediCOPPER® Blood Booster is non-toxic and perfectly safe to consume as a dietary supplement. Take MediCOPPER directed; taking more is not likely to yield any additional benefit. Recommended daily serving is one tablespoon (15 mL) for adults, or one teaspoon (5 mL) for children 4+ years old, taken on an empty stomach to maximize absorption in the gastro-intestinal tract. Wait 20 to 30 minutes before eating or drinking. One tablespoon provides 900 mcg (100% RDA) of Copper. One teaspoon provides 50 mcg of Copper. Unopened, sealed bottles of MediCOPPER have a proven shelf life of 15+ years. Once received, just store MediCOPPER at room temperature out of direct sunlight.

CAUTION: If nursing, pregnant, in poor health or allergic to Copper, please consult a physician (preferably a naturopathic physician and not an allopathic corporate controlled physician) before using.

FREE SHIPPING: Shipping is free within the USA - including AK, HI and all US territories.

NOTE: Upon investigation, you will find that there are many products online claiming to be "colloidal Copper"; most of these are nefarious as very few are not made in someone's residential garage or kitchen - and some are imported from outside the USA - so they are probably made in third world conditions - who knows? Furthermore, many claim to have the world's smallest Copper nanoparticle size without the color to back that up. Please consider these issues when discerning which true colloidal Copper dietary mineral supplement to purchase.

DISCLAIMER: This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. Nutraneering Incorporated makes no claims or promises as to health benefits of its nutritional supplements. Consequences of dietary, topical or other use of any Nutraneering Incorporated product are the sole responsibility of the customer. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.