Selenite -Stone of Mental Clarity

Approx. 3 in. x 3 in. x 1 in.

Satin Spar Selenite is used to clear the chakras of blockages and heal the physical body.  Selenite is great to keep at your workspace due to its clearing properties.  It is thought to assist in balancing our relationship with the universe, assisting us in connecting with people and all of life. It can facilitate communication with all aspects of the celestial realm. Let’s us consciously understand our own Truth, that part of ourselves which is pure spirit helping us to work with our purpose for being in physical existence. Because of its ability to help us filter out ego-based messages and thoughts it is an excellent crystal for meditation when placed on the top of the head. Selenite is a stone of mental clarity, enhancing mental flexibility and strengthening decisions, it can also help to clear up mental confusion. It also promotes good business practices. It removes energy blocks from the physical and etheric bodies. It also has the ability to clear other stones that are placed on or near it.

You are buying ONE (1) Quality, Thick Selenite Crystal Square Cleansing Table.

You will receive a selenite square from a stock of items similar to the one pictured.

Important notes:

Disclaimer:  The information provided within our store is both intuitive and derived from traditional wisdom sources which may not be verifiable by scientific methods advocated by the FDA or other governmental agencies.  Because individuals react differently to energies, vibrations and/or beliefs, we cannot offer a guarantee of results or reactions.