Parr's natural wood finishes

Danish oil - 500ml

Parr's natural wood finishes believe in manufacturing safe products for you to use and safe for the environment. Most Danish oils on the market contain toxic chemicals which evaporate into the atmosphere which can cause damage to health and to the world we live in.

Our Danish Oil contains only natural ingredients with no additional toxic chemicals.

Superior penetrating polymerized linseed oil

Internal woodwork, cabinets, salad bowls and utensils, wood chopping boards,wooden toys any surface in contact with food


natural organic danish oil which contains no harmful solvents or toxic metal driers.

100% solid oil content.

Our oil is completely food safe , VOC free and is made by polymerising linseed oil.

Solvents allow the oil to flow freely but dissolve into the atmosphere and metal driers speed up the drying process but are very toxic.

Our oil has be polmerised, which is a heating process under vacuum which refines and enhances the oil.

A little goes a long way!

because our oil has no solvents or driers it will need a lit more working into the wood but only a little oil is needed as 100% of the oil is going onto the wood, and will take longer to dry.

Full instructions are on the bottle.

natural earth oil is 100% natural and voc free making it completely environmentally safe and good for the planet.

How to apply Danish Oil

Wood Preparation

All unfinished wood pieces should be prepared by sanding before applying a finish to it and removal of all dust particles. Sanding will reduce surface scratches on the wood which will minimize drying time and will also provide a more even sheen. We recommend finishing with 320 grit or higher for all our oils.


Apply a very thin even coat to the wood with a lint free cloth at room temperature .Put a small amount of oil onto the cloth and begin working the oil onto the surface working your way over the entire piece occasionally adding more oil to your cloth. It is very important that only a small amount of oil is used and must be well worked into the piece.

For Danish Oil leave for a minimum of 15 minutes and after the oil has soaked into the surface rub with a clean lint free cloth briskly until the surface feels dry with no oil residue left. The surface will be dry but feel oily to touch.

Allow the Danish Oil to cure for a min of 8 hours.

Before applying the second coat burnish(rub) the surface with 0000 steel wool until silky smooth and ensure the surface is clean with the use of a tack cloth. Proceed to apply the 2nd and 3rd coats. For a deeper shine and more protection you may wish to apply more coats. Final burnishing will bring up a silky smooth finish. Our oils are penetrating oils so for repairs simply rub with wire wool and re apply oil.