15 Big Rainbow Tomato Seeds 
*All seeds are 100% Guaranteed

Big Rainbow produce delicious fruits weighing up to 2 pounds each. 

They have a lovely sweet flavour, low in acidity and excellent choice for slicing
due to their firm flesh. 

The unique colouring makes them stand out and as well as fresh uses, 
they can be enjoyed in many cooked dishes such as soups, sauces, stews,
pastes, chutney and juices. 

Unripe tomatoes will ripen if kept at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. 

This big, ribbed beefsteak has rainbow coloured skin with yellow and orange in the middle, 
green shoulders  and marbled with red in the bottom half of the fruit and a stand out in the garden.

A heavy producer with sprawling vines, it is a late producer and will require staking
to bear the weight of the massive fruit. 

Full Description

Sow seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before last frost. 

Sow seeds thinly in trays and cover lightly with compost and 
water lightly and place in a warm windowsill or greenhouse

Tomatoes, Aubergines, Peppers & Chillies like a warmer temperature for germination 

Full sun

Germination in 7 to 14 days

Matures 85 days

Height 6 feet tall

Sow January through April indoors and plant seedlings outdoors after frost has passed.

As soon as seedlings have 2 pairs of leaves, transplant the seedlings into individual small pots

Lower leaves should be removed when they start yellowing, this will aid fruit ripening

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