If your brake shoes are worn down to the rivets then yes, they need replacing. But if you are thinking of replacing or relining unworn brake shoes just in the hope of getting a better brake, it probably won't help a great deal and the money could be better spent elsewhere
Improving Classic Motorcycles is a collection of modifications and sound advice gained from 30 years riding classic British motorcycles year round

Some of the modifications correct design flaws that perhaps even the motorcycle factories were unaware of. The design of almost all single leading shoe brakes features a design flaw, something very simple that was overlooked but can have a huge effect on braking. You can correct this yourself with the normal workshop tools

A basic aspect of electrical circuits was also overlooked in the way many machines were wired up. Follow the advice given in this book for a brighter headlamp and put an end to battery boiling and blown bulbs

Ever adjusted your steering head bearings and been frustrated that the slightest adjustment takes it from too tight and binding to being able to feel freeplay? Find out why this is and how to correct it

A detailed look at Amal Concentric carburettors listing all the different needle, needle jet and spray tube types. Plus advice on tuning and inlet manifolds

Many classic bikes are being held back by an incorrect pattern silencer. It may look original on the outside but what is inside is key to good performance. Louder is rarely faster and sometimes the best performance can come from whisper quiet systems. Learn what to look for when choosing a silencer - particularly relevant when choosing a pair for a twin cylinder machine

How to get the best from the ignition system whether electronic or points. Late machines have an access panel in the primary chaincase to enable strobe timing. Earlier machines can also be strobe timed - find out how

How to reduce oil leaks from the cylinder head and rockerbox. Lubrication modifications to prolong the life of the valve gear. Compression ratios - how to measure them and some values stated in workshop manuals that are incorrect. Plus modifications for and advice on gearboxes, clutches, tyres and forks

This book is never before seen material, not a reworking of known bike knowledge and has received universally good reviews. The modifications can give real improvements to performance, reliability and safety.

Colour covers, B&W interior. 6.6x10.2 inches. 104 pages. 30,000 words, 36 diagrams. First published 2008

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Please also click on "See other items" for Charge and combined Charge/Oil Warning Light kits

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