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Ceratophyllum demersum

Ceratophyllum demersum is one of the most popular aquarium plants in the trade.  Hornwort, or Coontail as it is more commonly referred to, is able to tolerate a wide range of aquatic conditions which is the reason for its popularity.  Ceratophyllum demersum is also very common is the water garden industry where it is used as an oxygenating plant for small water features and ponds.  Hornwort is fine with just being floated in a body of open water and can be broken into pieces to establish new plants.  Ceratophyllum demersum is native to the United States and makes an excellent cover for fish to lay eggs on or for fry (baby fish) to hide in. 


Common Name:             Hornwort, Coontail

Family Name:                Ceratophyllaceae

Native To:                       Many parts of the world

Lighting:                         Moderate

Requirements:                Easy plant but requires at least moderate hardness            

Growth Form:                Stem plant

Growth Rate:                  Fast

True Aquatic:                 Yes

Placement in Tank:        Mid to background or left floating

Available As:                  Bunch and 1.75'' net pot

Spring shipping days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Summer shipping days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Fall shipping days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

Winter shipping days: Monday and Friday.