A hard to find  title from 1944 starring Preston Foster. Victor McLaglen, Lois Andrews and Kent Taylor are in the supporting cast. A good recommendation for all movie collectors

 Synopsis: Events in the real life of gangster Roger Touhy are seen. This was originally filmed as a 95 min "A" film but, the Hays office objected to some brutality scenes and 32 minutes were deleted. Thus it went on to become a cult classic of the "60's". Prison scenes were filmed in Statesville Prison where real life Touhy was an inmate. A recommended film! 

From 16mm film transfer. Comes in hardshell case with artwork and title printed on disc.

We do not offer refunds but will replace any defective disc. This film is believed to be in Public Domain.


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As per eBay’s public domain policy:
This film is in the public domain because the copyright has either expired or is no longer valid for various reasons or the film was not copyrighted at all. All information pertaining to United States copyright regulations can be found at the United States Copyright office, a branch of the Library of Congress.