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-ms-flex: 0 0 250px; flex: 0 0 250px;} },,,,, {display: none !important;} Dolce & Gabbana D&G Light Blue Eau Intense for Women 100ml EDP Authentic Perfume NATIONWIDE COD, Free Ship, Meet Up, PayPal Accepted Brand New100% Authentic and OriginalComes with its Original Retail Packaging (not Tester)Bought in the US Payment & ShippingThis item qualifies for free shipping anywhere in the Philippines. Please send us a message to let us know which payment method you will be using. We accept the following: Cash on Delivery, PayPal, and Bank Transfer. For PayPal payment, please note that no longer supports direct payments. If you wish to pay using your PayPal account, please send us a message so we can invoice you directly for your order. Items that are paid before the cut off will be shipped out on the same day. Cut off times are as follows: Monday to Friday : 1:00pm Saturday : 11:00am Expected delivery period to most areas is 1 to 3 working days. No shipping on Sundays and holidays. No international shipping. Contact UsPlease contact us if you have any questions about this item and we’ll be happy to attend to your questions. Hit the "Ask A Question" button at the bottom of this page or "Ask Seller a Question" on the eBay mobile app (found in the "About the Seller" section when you tap "Show More"). To see other items on sale, please click on this link and visit our eBay Store - Ivanandsophia. Buy with confidence. We are an eBay Powerseller.  _gsrx_vers_1292 (GS 8.3.6 (1292))