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Authorized specialist dealer for devices from the following brands: Jura , Siemens, MIOMONDO, SMEG and NIVONA

Water pump Ulka EP 8

Oscillating piston water pump ULKA EP8 for fully automatic coffee machines

Technical specifications:

  • 230V
  • 50Hz
  • 26 w

Authorized specialist dealer for devices from the following brands: Jura , Siemens, MIOMONDO, SMEG and NIVONA Oscillating piston water pump ULKA EP8 for fully automatic coffee machines When making transfers, please include your Ebay member names to allow us to process your payment correctly allocate the order. If you have any questions about shipping costs or express shipping, please refer to the respective shipping conditions of the auction.  For questions about the current shipment status, please use the shipment information stored for your order in your Ebay account. If you have any questions about product compatibility, please contact us on Ebay. We provide information quickly and competently! Don't miss any more offers! We will conveniently inform you about offers and promotions by