ZEOLITE POWDER 350g (12.34 oz.) 

Ancient Purity's Zeolite Powder is a powerful volcanic mineral compound with unique crystalline structures that create a honeycomb/cage-like effect. This Zeolite, finely ground to less than 25 microns, ensures optimal absorption by the body, allowing for effective detoxification at the cellular level. With a natural affinity for heavy metals like uranium, cadmium, lead, mercury, and aluminium, Zeolite has been trusted for detoxification for over 300 million years.

 While there are newer Zeolite products on the market, none can compare to the original powdered form. Many claim to be superior, but the truth is that the powder form established Zeolite as a trusted detox tool. With its easy assimilation by the body, powdered Zeolite can efficiently bind and eliminate toxins, promoting a thorough detox process. For optimal results, we recommend using Zeolite in conjunction with Fulvic Acid Minerals. Simply mix in pure, filtered water and experience the benefits of this ancient detox powerhouse.

Suggested Use

Internally: Take 3 - 6g (heaped teaspoon) mix in pure clean water 45 minutes away from food up to twice daily or as directed by your health care practitioner. 

Topically: Can be combined with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for use as face mask and on your body as a skin food.


Q: Are there side effects I should know about?
A: Zeolite Powder is not toxic. In rare cases, constipation might occur if you not drink enough water. This effect is dose-dependent and can be avoided by sufficient hydration and dose reduction.

Q: What is better, Zeolite powder or capsules?
A: The powder is mixed in clean water to drink it. All you need is a teaspoon and a drinking glass. Capsules are taken with water and are therefore ideal for travel. Drinking powder mixed with water has an effect on the entire digestive tract. The vegetable capsule casings are not enteric, which means that the capsules release their contents from the stomach allowing the effect of the contained powder to begin from the stomach. If the effect is also desired in the upper digestive tract, i.e. in the oral cavity, throat, esophagus and stomach, you should go for the powdered form.

Q: What does the Zeolite powder drink taste like?
A: I think of the flavour as slightly dusty to earthy.