15 Black Eyed Susan Seeds, Alata Mix
Thunbergia Alata

A gorgeous trailing vine that can grow 5 to 8 feet tall with masses of flowers in 
orange, yellow, red & white. 

Is a perennial but an annual in cooler climates.  Propagating cuttings at the end 
of season will ensure plants for the next season. 

Sow 5 to 6 weeks before last frost at 1/2 inch deep

Plant direct or start indoors and transplant after frost has past

Germination can be slow, 14 to 21 days

For best results, soak Black Eyed Susan seeds in water for 12 hours

Full sun

A native of Africa, the vines loves warmer temperatures and sun

Black Eyed Susan is a fast growing vine that needs support

The vines will twine around themselves 

For propagating for the next season, take several cuttings from the end of a healthy plant. 
Remove bottom leaves and place in a glass with water to root. 
Change the water every couple of days
Once you have thick roots, plant in potting soil and transplant next Spring
after frost has past

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