NEW Philips Transpac IV Dual IBP Cable Dual IBP Adapter 453564588501 3m

Product Name: Transpac IV Dual IBP Cable Dual IBP Adapter
Produkt Model Number: 453564588501, 989803199741
Lot Number: 453564588501: 3438080 , 989803199741: 1732
Device Lassification: Class I, Rule 1
Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN): 47487 electrical-only medical connection cable, reusable)

The object of the declaration described above is in confomity with Council Directive 93/42/EEC, Annex II, Section 3.2 concerning medical devices as amended by 2007/47/EC

QMS Certificate infomation: The Manufacturer is certified to EN ISO 13485 (Certificate No: Q1N 15 11 52098 004