NEW in box Mellow Mat Yellow Box Voxy Shoe

Color:  Gray

Women's size:  8M  (my opinion:  they run small)

Mellow Mat™

Call off the search, for you’ve found the sandals that provide style without sacrificing comfort! Discover a comfort-focused Yellow Box Mellow Mat™ EVA dual-density sandal collection. The bouncy, shock-absorbing Mellow Mat™ is inspired by the yoga mat material and it shapes to your feet.

The Yellow Box Mellow Mat™ Collection includes sandals, flats, or boots made with actual yoga mat material as the footbed, providing the perfect balance of comfort and support. The exceptional resilience from the higher porosity of the Mellow Mat™ footbed creates an incomparable comfort level by fitting to the shape of your feet and displacing the pressure on your feet.

Besides the amazing comfort of the Mellow Mat™ footbed, these sandals come in a wide variety of stylish upper straps- from casual laid-back styles to sparkling jewel-embellished style- all to serve your needs for whatever the occasion.