A handy little mini portable smudge kit. Packed with everything you need to clear the energy wherever you go. Perfect little gift for a new homeowner too. Smudging is an ancient ritual and increasingly used by many to help cleanse a space or person/crystals of old negative energy, making room for positive energy to flood in.

All contained in a little canvas bag with funky slogan it would fit neatly in your handbag so you can smudge anytime and anywhere you think the energy needs an update!

Included in this nifty little set is:

1 x ethically sourced white sage stick (approx 4”)

1 x ethically sourced palo santo ‘holy wood’ stick (approx 4”)

1 x small white feather (approx 3-4”)

1 x selenite crystal wand

1 x handmade vegan friendly soy wax white sage and lavender candle in a tin

1 x Himalayan pink salt crystals in a glass bottle with hanging charm (charm may vary)

1 x contents are contained in a canvas drawstring bag (approx 10 x 15cm)

(Instruction leaflet also enclosed in the parcel)

Blessings xxx

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask