Organic Milk Kefir Grains Tibetan Mushroom Grzybek Starter, 30 g

This lively mushroom culture allows the milk to ferment so that a much more generous milk product is produced than The milk itself. Kefir contains valuable vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, folic acid, niacin and minerals: calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium. As a result of the fermentation, a small amount of alcohol is produced, up to a maximum of 2%. On the contrary to industrially produced, the kefir does not contain milk sugar. The difference to the Kefir from the store, is also that for The production of the industrial kefir only selected lactic acid bacteria can be used to obtain a consistent taste. This kefir also contains milk sugar. The Kefirknolle, on the other hand, contains a large spectrum of microorganisms,

A specific way to convert the milk into a healthy milk drink. Kefir has the property of suppressing pathogenic microorganisms entering the intestine. It also ensures that the intestinal flora, which plays a decisive role for the defense forces, remains intact. The kefir also helps to build up the destroyed intestinal flora quickly after antibiotics.

       Magnesium 21 mg

210 mg


175 mg


0.18 mg


6 g

       Vitamin D

0.14 mg

Vitamin B12

14% RDA

Riboflavin B2

0.2 mg

Vitamin B6

0.09 mg

Vitamin C

3.06 mg

 Vitamin E

0.19 mg



1. When you first get your mushroom place it in a plastic (use only plastic or wooden utensils!) sieve and wash it gently under cool unchlorinated water.
2. Place the mushroom in a small container.
The most suitable fermentation pots are glass, glazed pottery, or porcelain. Aluminum is unsuitable at all for any lactic acid fermentation.
3. Fill about 2/3 with milk.
All types of milk will work well. The richer the milk, the richer the Kefir you'll get.
4. Cover with a cheese cloth/cotton to prevent contamination, but allow the air for the mushroom. Secure with rubber band.
5. Place in a dry place and let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 12- 24 hours.
6. Strain the Kefir, rinse the mushroom and return it to the clean container. Repeat the process again.
7. The mushroom will grow and you can split it when it does and it can be air dried to store or passed on to somebody else.
8. If you go away on holiday simply and leave the mushroom and milk in a cool dark place.
9. Take the Kefir for 20 days and then make a break for 10 days.
10. The strength of the Kefir can be regulated by increasing or decreasing the ratio of milk to mushroom