It's Cactus Metal Art Haiti

Handmade Christmas Decor, Nativity Scene, Eco-Friendly Haitian Folk Art 18x20in

These wonderful sculptures are handmade from 55 gallon oil drums in Haiti. The steel drums vary from brown to grey to black. As such, colors will vary on each, unique piece. Thank you for supporting our artists. Each purchase makes a huge difference in the quality of their lives.

Artist Profile- Exulien Exuma

“I went to school to learn design. I have this knowledge. But I left school and I wanted to deepen my knowledge in metal sculpture in order to make a living.” Thus begins the story of the artistic life of Exulien Exuma. He got his start in metal sculpture under the tutelage of Gary Pierre, but soon began creating his own images. Exulien often works in three-dimensions, giving those pieces the extra suggestions of sound and movement. His angels, for instance, have drums, horns and guitars in relief. Indeed, sound is very much a part of his creative process. When he describes his inspiration for his angels, he says, “They come from the heavens to my ears and then to my hands and then to the metal I pound. That's what makes them special."