Becoming a Black Hawkhelicopter pilot wasn't easy, and from that experience came the realizationthat pilots- rotary or fixed wing, military or civilian, have a differentthought process.  The rigors of flighttraining and the heightened state of awareness during flight changes who theyare. 
What makes pilotsdifferent?  Why are they revered as anindustry and looked up to by children with awestruck eyes?   And how can the lessons learned as pilotstranslate into personal leadership and high level performance?
The P.I.L.O.T. Method breaksdown the 5 elemental truths to being a better leader of yourself through theexperiences of pilots. 
P-  Potential:You have potential, are you confident in that potential, and how toboost it.
I-  Implementation:  What are you doing with your potential, andhow to get more out of it.
L-  Leadership:The three pillars of leadership based on aviation principles and howthey apply to you.
O- Optimize:   Are you living your best life?  Learn how you CAN be more, do more, and livemore.
T- Tenacity:  Never give up.  How to find that toughness within you.   
Through Elizabeth McCormick'sstories and those of her pilot friends, you'll learn how to FLY-  First Lead Yourself.