Ranger Bill - 221 Old Time Radio Audio Files In MP3 Format On DVD - 4 Disc

This may or may not be every episode produced but there are 221 .MP3 Files on DVD...

These audio files come on a custom made DVD with no artwork or design, these recordings will be on a new custom DVD and come in a plastic case with a very basic label.

221 Audio Files In MP3 Format On 4 DVD Disc...

1 First Snow - 13:33
2 VIPs Visit Knotty Pine aka The Disappearing Buffalo Herd - 29:28
3 Tony's Place aka Standing Firm For What's Right - 29:47
4 Burning Sands - 28:58
5 Twenty Fathoms Under The Sea - 29:46
6 The End Of The Rope - 29:25
7 The Fire Bug - 29:36
8 If the Lord Is for Us - 29:51
9 Set The Record Straight - 29:38
10 River Of Fire - 28:36
11 Bim, The Dog - 29:26
12 Hit and Run - 29:09
13 Next In Line - 30:00
14 Twelve Feet Of Danger - 29:38
15 The Second Heart aka Heart Trouble - 29:43
16 The Man Who Couldn't Remember - 29:19
17 Death's Half Mile - 29:54
18 The Eviction of Pa and Ma Skunk - 29:24
19 Fossil Canyon - 29:56
20 Flaming Grass - 29:19
21 They Called Him the Jinx - 29:32
22 Piggyback - 29:49
23 Sleeping Death - 29:10
24 The Shortage - 29:37
25 The Hermit - 29:44
26 Mrs. Kane Wins The War - 29:23
27 Stumpy Gets Thirty Days - 29:27
28 Hidden Treasure aka Trouble At The Double Bar Ranch - 29:34
29 Getting Along With The Wrong Crowd - 29:55
30 The Handcart Race - 28:53
31 The Broken Promise - 29:56
32 The Man Who Understood - 29:28
33 Nature's Vacuum Cleaner - 29:40
34 The Log Jam - 29:21
35 Catching A Big Fish With A Small Hook - 29:38
36 Overflow - 29:37
37 An Old Horse Learns New Tricks - 29:16
38 The Hunted - 29:47
39 Sultan, King Of Beasts - 29:33
40 Marauder of Goose Lake - 29:36
41 A Lesson in Love - 29:59
42 The Ice Prison - 29:15
43 Skiers In the Sky - 30:00
44 The Man With The Limp - 29:50
45 Decision For Death - 29:49
46 The Laughing Face aka The Wolverine Scare - 29:39
47 The Boy Who Wouldn't Quit - 29:44
48 The Big Headache - 29:51
49 Penny Wise and Pound Foolish - 29:24
50 Timid Timothy - 29:32
51 The Cat In The Wall - 29:30
52 The Blessing Of Snow - 29:40
53 The Book Farmer - 29:36
54 Hot Fire - 29:39
55 Dead On Arrival - 29:40
56 Earthquake - 29:22
57 Houseboat Charlie - 29:17
58 A Dog's Worst Enemy - 29:14
59 The Clown of Blue Lake - 29:27
60 The Ranger Factory - 29:57
61 Ice Pack - 29:34
62 The Outsider - 29:50
63 The Road to Fame - 29:22
64 The Tugboat Cowboy - 29:57
65 Mr. Sunshine - 29:35
66 Glacier Cave-In - 29:27
67 10 Fathoms Deep - 29:25
68 The Flying Game Warden - 29:13
69 The Deep Country - 29:40
70 The River That Wasn't There - 29:24
71 The White Fields - 29:36
72 Old Faithful - 28:11
73 The Whispering Cave - 29:44
74 Rogue Elephant - 28:54
75 The Vanishing Mummy - 28:38
76 The Fur Thieves - 29:33
77 Eddie And Mr. Foxy - 29:34
78 The Cruel Man - 29:29
79 Jimmy's Christmas Miracle aka Faith The Grain Of A Mustard Seed - 29:28
80 The Fighting Parson - 29:17
81 Mystery in Bear Valley - 29:09
82 The Falling Giants - 29:34
83 Petticoat Rangers - 29:24
84 Henry's Miracle - 29:28
85 Bobsled - 29:04
86 The Return of Sitting Bull - 29:37
87 Charlie's Nightmare - 28:32
88 The Mad Bats - 29:21
89 The Hardhead - 29:28
90 The Three Legged Deer - 29:17
91 They Called Him A Coward - 29:20
92 The Cattle Rustlers Of Coconino - 28:58
93 The Crisis aka Stumpy's Sight - 29:33
94 Broken Bootstraps - 29:30
95 The Last Fire Call - 29:12
96 Stumpy's Harmonica aka Music Horrible Music - 29:28
97 Camera Crew In Knotty Pines aka Stumpy In The Movies - 29:36
98 Monster Of White Lake aka The White River Monster - 29:32
99 Ranger Bill 60-07-20 ep081 Bridge Out! aka Henry's Bridge - 29:14
100 Birthday Rescue aka Fallen Hunter - 29:32
101 Cliff Rescue aka Clean Up Work aka Timmy Climbs Mount Evergreen - 29:08
102 The Foreman's Accident aka Trouble In Tunnel 13 - 29:34
103 The Foreman's Accident aka Trouble In Tunnel 13 - Copy - 29:34
104 Ronnie's Bear aka The Mad Bear aka Cub Trouble - 29:33
105 Ronnie's Bear aka The Mad Bear aka Cub Trouble - Copy - 29:33
106 Henry's History Lesson aka Henry's Wagon Train Dream - 28:56
107 Henry's History Lesson aka Henry's Wagon Train Dream - Copy - 28:56
108 Oil Well aka Ashby's Folly - 29:37
109 Rules aka The Runaway Boy - 29:20
110 The Lost Pig aka Tangerine The Pig - 29:47
111 Marty Patton's Piano - 29:39
112 Henry's Crisis Of Faith aka Prove God Exists - 29:29
113 Water Tank Rescue aka Smart Alec's Water Tank Inspection - 29:12
114 Mike's Horse aka The Horse Test - 29:28
115 He Broke Through The Ice aka They Killed Ranger Bill - 29:47
116 Honest Prayer aka Picnic Cave-in - 29:35
117 Roving Wolves aka Wolf Attack - 29:39
118 The Trouble With Gossip aka Tell Me A Story aka Rumors - 29:15
119 Freddie's Storuy aka Old Ben's Gold aka Freddie Burns From The Sun - 29:43
120 The Sail Sled aka Full Sails - 29:36
121 The New Recruit aka Fully Prepared Ranger - 29:34
122 Ranger Bill Times Two aka A Case Of Mistaken Identity - 29:39
123 Hearing God To Help The Missionaries aka The Diamond Ring - 29:24
124 Legal Rights aka The Shooting Of Mr. Prince - 29:40
125 Cotton and Candy - 28:20
126 Bill Gets Lost In A Cavern aka Transistor Walkie Talkie - 29:34
127 The Raging Rapids - 29:03
128 Pete's Civil War aka Civil War Junk - 29:34
129 A Little Spark - 29:35
130 Hunt's Place aka Mr. Hunt's Estate - 29:47
131 The White Buffalo - 29:33
132 Henry's New Job aka Henry's Grocery Job - 29:39
133 Rabies Scare aka In Shape - 29:31
134 Tom's Otter aka Brightwater, The Otter - 29:17
135 The Duck Call - 29:46
136 Miracles aka Pray For A Miracle - 29:18
137 Ranger Bill 62-01-10 ep009 Henry's Bus Trip - 29:01
138 Border Town aka Tongues Of Fire - 29:51
139 Contentment In God's Will aka A Need For Excitement - 29:59
140 Forest Fire aka Hot Fire And Sowing Seeds - 28:51
141 Trestle Ice Jam - 29:55
142 Run Away aka The River Giant - 27:56
143 Fire Bug aka The Fisherman And The Firebug - 29:37
144 The Fire Bomber's Pink Cloud - 28:12
145 The Salesman - 26:56
146 The Loudmouth - 29:32
147 Tiger Cat - 29:38
148 In the Eagle's Nest - 29:53
149 The Abominable Snow Man - 30:04
150 Christmas Bells aka Christmas At Knotty Pines - 29:57
151 Christmas Program with Bill Pearce - 29:23
152 Water Hot Rods - 29:21
153 Terror On Finger River - 29:23
154 The Wrong Valley - 29:39
155 The Man Who Lost God - 29:45
156 The Battle At Jenkins Manor - 29:00
157 The Prehistoric Monster - 29:30
158 The Deadly Laundry Basket - 28:19
159 The Measure Of A Man - 29:43
160 The One Wire Fence - 29:51
161 Mrs. Murphy's Chowder - 29:07
162 The Self-Made Man - 29:11
163 The Locked Bag - 29:12
164 A Prisoner On Ice Island - 28:31
165 Soup Truck - 29:36
166 Lover Boy - 29:44
167 The Gospel Goes To Reform School - 29:24
168 The Adventure Of The Tarnished Gold - 29:19
169 Danger, Deer Crossing - 29:20
170 The Secret Of Seal Island - 28:48
171 The Mountain That Moved - 29:11
172 One Mile Down - 29:14
173 Avalanche - 29:31
174 Elizabeth And The Stranger - 29:07
175 The 25th Man - 29:32
176 The Man At The Door - 29:34
177 Richard And God - 29:47
178 Mystery Island - 29:14
179 Crazy Man Comes Back - 29:25
180 Rising Curiosity - 29:34
181 The Man Of The House - 29:42
182 No Good Dog - 29:17
183 The Mad Bison - 29:04
184 Ceiling Zero - 29:39
185 One Man Mountain Lion - 29:35
186 The New Rangers - 29:24
187 Vacation Cruise Island - 29:31
188 The Fallout Shelter - 29:45
189 Rattlesnake Same aka Fifty Or Sixty Snakes - 29:11
190 Danger! Gasoline Leak - 29:47
191 Death On The Waterfront - 29:05
192 River Monster - 29:41
193 The Floating Death Trap - 29:37
194 Chinook - 29:41
195 Henry For Mayor - 29:40
196 The Jealous Step-Father - 29:35
197 Forest Fire Death Trap aka Fire In The Forest - 29:44
198 The Crusher - 29:38
199 The Old Diehard - 29:40
200 The Road Ghost - 29:44
201 The Muddy River - 29:23
202 Skinner Raises A Storm - 27:01
203 The Donner Party Treasure - 27:50
204 The Law of the Golden Rule - 29:08
205 The Runaway Railroad - 30:03
206 Snow White Stallion - 29:33
207 Ten Hours Too Much - 27:44
208 One Million Years Ago - 30:34
209 Typhoid Fever at Stormy Point - 29:39
210 The Reckless Driver - 28:14
211 A Boy and the Bomb - 29:38
212 The Space Rocket - 29:50
213 Sheriff's Convention - 27:53
214 The Battle Of The Lumberjacks - 28:28
215 The Seeing Eye Dog - 29:19
216 Arson At Brighton College - 29:18
217 The Fighting Sissy - 28:00
218 The Dog That Didn't Forget - 27:49
219 The Monkey Chase - 28:58
220 Ole Three Toes - 27:51
221 Spirits And Spirit - 29:10

Once you make a purchase this product will be sent to you using USPS shipping with a tracking number supplied... By purchasing this package you agree you are purchasing a collection of .MP3 audio files on a custom made DVD. Once you receive your DVD you can play it on your computer or any other device that plays DVD's and supports MP3's.

Item Condition: Due to the age and current condition some of our audio files may show some minor imperfections or sound quality issues. If you have any issues please let us know so we can rectify the problem. These episodes are very old and are close to the quality that you would have heard them at the original recording time. Although all efforts were taken to ensure that all our audio recordings are recorded at the best quality possible for the enjoyment of the listeners, there could be some minor audio imperfections.

These are all 100% fully legal Old Time Radio episodes that expired all copyrights and have been recorded into a digital .MP3 format, we only record and compile legal audio recordings that are in the public domain. Thanks for shopping with us, Please be sure to let us know if you have any questions...