Relic WW2 German winter track link of "Steyr RSO"RAUPENSCHLEPPER OST of 502 Battalion,It was found on the spots of fightings ,which took place nearby Narva (Auvere)in year 1944.

Info :Carius,  Otto. Tigers in the Mud. The Combat  Career of
German  Panzer  Commander  Otto  Carius
. / translated by  Robert J.  Edwards
-- Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2003. -- 368 pages, (1st ed).
/// Carius, Otto: Tiger im Schlamm -- Heidelberg:  Kurt Vowinckel Verlag
1960. -- 234 S.

Size of one: L=58cm or 23 inches

Weight of track   about 7 kg

The track was cleaned by hand.