uk seller / uk stock

BONDI BRONZE Foaming Tan + Pre-Tan Scrub Watermelon Self Tanning Set ~ Light Medium
Brand New ~ Box ~ Never been Tested
Made in Australia

The Gift set contains:
1 x Gradual Tan 200ML in Light - Med ~ Sun-Free . Streak-free. Watermelon infused with Virgin Coconut Oil. Builds natural looking. Directions: Clean & exfoliating skin prior to application. Push pump firmly, applying Gradual Tan evenly onto the skin in a smooth, circular motion. Apply lightly to hands, elbows, knees and ankles. Wait until skin is dry before dressing. You can use Gradual Tan daily as an everyday moisturiser to keep skin hydrated and golden. Wash hands after use. 

1 x Exfoliating Pre-Tan Scrub Watermelon & Sea salt 200G ~ Before applying Bondi Bronze Foaming Tan, apply scrubto wet skin over your entire body, massaging on a circular motion to allow the granules to remove dead skin cells. Rinse off well. 

~ Not tested on animals ~ Cruelty free ~ Vegan ~

POSTAGE ALERT - Please note,  RoyalMail, our postal delivery provider, is experiencing a delay in delivering items to our customers.  This is out of our control, even though we try our best to despatch items next working day.  We appreciate your patience and understanding during this crisis, and will update our listings once normal RoyalMail service resumes. 

Stay safe and healthy. Lots of love, Thank you, Leah