Real meadowsweet 

Latin name: Filipendula ulmaria 

Real madowsweet is a perennial herbaceous plant originated to almost all parts of Europe and Western Asia. 
In France it is also called "meadow queen". 
It thrives in swamps, on wet meadows and watersides. 
It is an important medicinal plant that contains salicylic acid, among other things, so it has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, fever-lowering, sweating and diuretic effects. 
Real meadowsweet helps with headache, toothache and body aches. 
A tea infusion can have a soothing effect on rheumatism and gout. 
Its tannins and flavonoids ensure that mucous membranes are protected. 
In traditional naturopathy, this herb is used for bladder and kidney problems and for wound healing. 
Aspirin was developed based on the ingredients found in this plant. 
Its young leaves can be used in salads. 
Meadowsweet was used as a scenting plant in Germany and Scandinavia. It used to be used as flavouring in honey wines.

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