Here is a nice collection of Vintage tv shows on DVD. Three episodes of some classic shows

1: Dick Tracy Show starring Ralph Byrd. "Episode #19 "Shakey's  Secret Treasure"  This ran from 1951 to 1952 and was based on the comic strip by Chester Gould. run time approx 30 min. From 16mm
2: Mark Saber Mystery Theater aka: Inspector Mark Saber, Homicide Squad. "Case of the Hair of the Dog" from 10/27/52 broadcast date. This series aired from 1951 to 1954. run time approx 30min. From 16mm
3: Treasury Men in Action starring Walter Greaza. "The Case of the Shot in the Dark"  6/9/55 air date. Charles Bronson is the guest in this episode. This series aired from 1950-1955. run time approx 30 min From 16mm
(Please see scan for more info)

Comes in Hardshell case with artwork and title printed on disc.

NO refunds given but we will replace any defective discs. 
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 Any questions please contact. Thanks for looking.

Thanks for buying from a Veteran owned Company

As per eBay’s public domain policy:
This film is in the public domain because the copyright has either expired or is no longer valid for various reasons or the film was not copyrighted at all. All information pertaining to United States copyright regulations can be found at the United States Copyright office, a branch of the Library of Congress.