Avoid direct contact with shared surfaces
Made with - Anitmicrobial 65% copper alloy

Non contact door-opening, light switches and button tapping

This new touch free tool is designed to reduce contact with shared surfaces.
Do0r handles, touchscreens, ATM and lift buittons are just a few of the shared surfaces we interact with daily.
Smart Key is your key to germ free touching when performing these everyday tasks.

The Smart Key is made from Copper alloy. Which is naturally antimicrobial and has been shown to reduce microbial, contamination.
The Smart Key is a Key Chain accessory to help reduce your risk of exposure. It dioes not guarantee prevention of cross contamination and is not a replacement for practising self hygiene measures. Be sure to disinfect your Smart Key as soon as possible after using it.
Made from Copper (65%+) & Zinc.